Paolo Ravinski headcannons

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Paolo Ravinski headcannons
Fandom: Halloween horror nights
Ship(s):Paolo x reader
Warning(s): none :)
* Loves verbal validation, adores when you praise him for his work etc
* Secretly very soft, loves forehead and cheek kisses
* Will not talk until he gets coffee
* Vehemently denies that he enjoys being little spoon (he loves it so so much)
* Loves it when you play with his hair ,,, he wil play with your hands,, lovz hands
* He is Vv touch starved and it takes a lot of trust and time to where he's comfortable with affection
* Is the type to whisper sweet things to you after you've fallen asleep
* Certainly appreciates an s/o with an artistic mindset

Authors note: I'm sorry this was so short and I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while life has been crazy but I'm trying to get back to it!!

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