Eddie Schmidt fluff headcannons part 2

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* eddie really likes holding your hands and looking at them!! He thinks their rlly small and pretty in comparison to his
* Likes watching his S/O sleep in a non creepy way (or creepy way whatever floats ur boat ig) he just loves how peaceful they look.
* Will most certainly help around the house ( not cooking oh no he can make eggs, pop tarts , toast and Mac' n cheese that's it)
* Is big spoon but will be little spoon if asked ( he'll most definitely laugh at you for it though [not in a mean way])
* He smells like gasoline, wood and iron-ey
* Freckley boi freckley boi freckley boi. Has abunch of freckles of his shoulders and arms. He has some on his cheeks,but it's hard to tell
* He loves when you sit on his lap, it doesn't matter how big or small you are he loves it🥺
* Likes when you play with his hair too
* His favorite time of the year is fall! He's really good at carving pumpkins.
* Def the type of s/o to try anything you cook or bake regardless if it's good or not
* I can see him just having very cynical, dry sarcastic humor
* Dates with him are either snuggled watching movies, driving around and listening to music or star gazing
* Totally will call you nicknames based of your physical attributes or your interests. Your short? Hi pipsqueak. You love singing? You're Eddie's little song bird.  But he also defaults to things like sweetheart, doll face, beautiful/handsome, babe, etc.
* Eddie likes nicknames too just not the overly lovey-dovey ones. He likes stuff like bubba, bubz, honey, babe stuff like that:)
* Made you breakfast in bed and it was really sweet, the toast was a little burnt and he made too much eggs but damn it, you ate all of it.
* This is probably 100% ooc but cottage core life with Eddie in a cabin in the woods :D
* When you two finally start kissing it's a lil bit sloppy, but passionate and good none the less🥴
* It does take a long while for him to be comfortable without his mask with you, it's a big step for him. And pressuring him about it is a big no no no!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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