Chapter 1

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Authors note: I'm using google translate for the foreign words so I'm sorry if some of it doesn't sound right.

I'm writing this for fun, okay!! So, this book isn't going to be perfect. Sorry.

There will be a lot of grammar and spelling errors. Please tell me so I can fix it! If something doesn't sound right or is not spelled right, I will really appreciate if you told me! :) I know how some people are grammar Nazi's lol.

I'm not perfect in English. I know English and Spanish and it's really hard to be perfect in both languages for me. I don't know how some people can do it! Lol I get judge for not being good in Spanish and English.

So let me know if you see any grammar and spelling errors. Thanks you :) enjoy reading.

Chapter 1

Esmeralda screamed.

"Push, cariño! Push!"

"Don't you see I'm fucking doing that?" Esmeralda screamed at her husband, Rafael. I felt so sorry for him at the moment.

"Oh my god." I whispered as the top of the little baby head poking out of my sisters vagina.

"I see the head!" The doctor announced and mother grinned widely.

No wonder why fathers fainted when they see the baby popping out of their baby mamma's. It's so disgusting....

Esme snapped her eyes to me and she threw her head back, screaming. "Argh! Stop fucking stare at my vagina, you bitch."

"Esme! Focus on pushing the baby out of you." My mother scolded.

"I can't concentrate with her staring at my fucking vagina!" She growled. "Get your fucking hand off of me." She tugged on her hand harshly from Rafael, who was holding hers. He didn't budge and tightly held hers.

"You can do this, cariño." Rafael didn't seemed to be affected by her rage.

"You fuc-" She cut herself off with a scream and she pushed.

Damn, all she's been saying is 'fuck' since her contractions started. I thought her being pregnant was horrible but her giving birth is ten times worse. I hope I don't end up like her when I get pregnant. Who am I kidding? I will never end up married or pregnant with my personality.

"You're almost done! One more push!" The doctor encouraged her.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." She moaned in pain and pushed so hard I thought she was going to shit herself.

All of a sudden, cries filled the room. Mother gasped, covering her mouth. Esme closed her eyes, breathing so hard and Rafael froze at the sound of his baby.

"Cut the umbilical cord, dad." The doctor told the new father. Rafael grabbed the scissors that the nurse was holding for him and cut it.

The nurse quickly grabbed the baby and cleaned him the best she could. She suctioned the babies nose and mouth. She checked the babies heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, etc.

Rafael looked like he was about to burst into tears and Esme is obviously exhausted. Mother had the biggest smile on her face while I stood there bored.

The nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket and went to hand the baby to Esme. She was about to grab her newborn baby but Rafael grabbed the newborn before she could.

"You fuc-"

"Esme, not in front of the baby." My mother gave her the 'mom' glare. Esme rolled her eyes and crossed her arms like a child.

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