What is Teeth and Claws?

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Extremely bad English since I'm an Arabic originally so please don't mind the weird way where I express my ideas QwQ

The beginning of this abomination :

Since my childhood I was obsessed with fantasy stories , especially when it's about magical legendary animals in general when they show up in those stories ( I'm a furry so..)
After becoming an Otaku I started to make random stories about anime I watch like making backstories that wasn't mentioned yet or alternative events that could happen depending on my imagination where could it drive me etc...
And just as I became a furry I made really colorful weird anthro characters with tragic stories....really cringe stories , BUT! After making my second fursona I was just like "Hey! How about we give this little baby a tragic backstory about being a forced to be a princess and rule her kingdom without her own will?" And guess what? It was almost the same story as my first pinkish fursona Lily, so...how about we modify the story of the world that we created three years ago? owo
And here...started the tale of TAC...

The Characters :

Of course I am not an experienced creator so I asked the help of my fwendies
With their collaboration we made a lot of creatures to full this empty world with twist and blood Murrahahahar...but really they were very helpful to complete this puzzle , everyfur has their own life and memories and a big impact on the story if they were heroes or villains and even secondary or side characters and I will never be able to thank them enough

What about the story? :

Teeth and Claws is a very long novel composed of three books at the moment, it's generally about feral creatures that live under the shadows of war, kingdoms that fight to declare to be the best but there is a deeper reason for fighting over these centeries...
For the first book the story will be about a twin with a royal blood that will experience a lot of difficult events one after another but they won't be alone during these adventures :3
For the second book only a few characters from the first one will finish their path to a brand new world with new new friends during the trip
And for the third book (not last) the old characters will get a new life completely different and let the opportunity for a new hero to be born
TAC isn't a fiction made for children because of it's violent content (blood,gore,war,suicide,tragedy,war,toxic love,etc...) and lot of loved ferals will sadly can't continue to exist during the experiences they will get through, others will change physical and mentally to the best or the worst

Well , I guess this is all what I can write for now sorry again for the bad English that I have
TAC is still under development , if there is any ideas you want to add to this novel please message me to discuss about it ^w^

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 26, 2021 ⏰

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