Chapter 1

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I ran up the long, grand staircase in a huff. I could hear my father calling my name behind me as I slammed the heavy door and jumped on my bed. My eyes started to water as I tried to collect my thoughts. In a split second I found myself in a puddle of my own tears. Suddenly the door creaked open. I turned myself away so I couldn't see who was there.

"Go away," I demanded.

"It's me," a soft voice said. I quickly turned around, realizing who was there. It was Elena, the head maid of the castle. She was my favorite person ever and I could always be so open with her.

"Come in," I said while sniffling. She came over and sat on the bed. I inched closer and looked at her. Her dark blonde hair fell over her shoulders and she had the sweetest smile on her face.

"What's the matter, Ainsley," she asked, breaking the silence. "I heard you storm off before dinner ended." She looked at me with her soft grey eyes. The most compassionate eyes in the world.

"Father just told me some news at dinner." I took a long pause. "He talked to the king of the Eregal and they came to an agreement. There's going to be an arranged marriage between me and the prince, Kai." I could barely finish without choking on my words and a tear rolled down my cheek. The Athos Kingdom and the Eregal Kingdom have been in a long, chaotic war for the past five years. Father said that this marriage was the best and only option to bring the kingdoms to peace. That's all I am to him. A bandage to fix his problems with other kingdoms.

"I know this is probably hard for you but it will end the war. It'll be good for the people of Athos and Eregal." Her arms were wrapped around me as I was shaking. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but it's not how I imagined my life in any way. I've always believed in true love for as long as I can remember and this is far from it. I would meet someone and it would be love at first sight. We would get to know so much about each other and eventually get married. I would rule over Athos and we would live together forever. But not every story has a happy ending and it seems that mine is one of those.

"I'm sorry Ainsley. I really am." Her voice relaxed me and I could feel my breathing slow down. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. The bright gold knob turned and my father walked in. I was filled with rage and frustration all over again. Elena stood up and excused herself, giving me a smile of hope before closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry princess I know how you're feeling," he started in a monotone voice.

"No you don't," I cut him off. "If you did then you wouldn't be forcing me into this." I could feel my face turn red and he blankly stared at me. He had no expression or even the slightest look of sympathy in his eyes which only made me hate him even more.

"We have to do this for Athos. The kingdom and the people need this. The marriage can bring many new things for us like money and new resources. Our army can be better prepared for another war."

"That's all you care about! Money and war. You don't think about others, especially not me. We don't have to do anything. You put all of this on me." He sighed and looked at me with disappointment. "Please leave," I finished.

"We're going to Eregal in 2 days. The wedding will be in 5." Is this his way of apologizing? Giving me less than a week to 'fall in love'? I want this arrangement to work and I want to be happy but I've never met Prince Kai and 5 days isn't nearly enough time.

"Leave," I said while pointing towards the door. I waited until I couldn't hear his footsteps anymore before dropping my posture and letting my guard down. I tucked myself under the big white quilt and placed my head on the silk pillow. My eyes felt heavy from crying and I could feel myself drifting off to sleep. My father has always done things that have upset me but nothing has ever gotten on my nerves as much as this.

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