Chapter 2

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I could feel the warm sun on my face as I slowly woke up. That's one of my favorite feelings, if I was in a good mood. Not even a minute into my day and I remember everything that happened last night. I'm surprised I didn't throw myself out the window in my sleep. I rolled over, dreading the thought of living, but was woken up by a knock at my door. I looked over and Elena came in. She had a silver tray with a bowl of fruit and a blueberry muffin. I sat up and smiled.

"Good morning Ainsley. I had a feeling you weren't going to want to come down and eat with your father as usual so I brought breakfast to you instead." How did I get so lucky to end up with Elena in my life?

"Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me," I said as she placed the tray in front of me. I took a bite of one of the strawberries, my favorite. It tasted like it was just fresh from the garden.

"It's the least I can do although your father has requested something." My face dropped and I put my fork down to look at her.

"He told me that he wants you to start packing for the trip to Eregal and write a letter to Prince Kai for publicity." Now? We're not leaving until late tomorrow though and what am I supposed to write in a letter? "I can help you if you need me to," she offered.

"No its okay, Elena. I will get it done today. Thank you." I looked back at my strawberries wishing that all my worries would just disappear. She walked out of the room and her sweet scent of vanilla followed.

Once I finished my breakfast I set the tray aside and stood up. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. The cold water ran down my face, waking me up. If I can't change this situation I should at least make the best out of it. Prince Kai can't be that bad right?

I stepped out of the shower and reached for my robe. I looked at myself in the mirror and knew that if I were to do this for anyone, it should be for me and my future. Not my father. I went out to my closet and searched for something to wear. Once I looked presentable, I made my way down the long hallway to the library. I sat at the desk and picked up a piece of paper and a pen. I could've sat here for days without a thought behind my eyes but that wouldn't change my fate.

20 drafts later of letters filled with lies and this is the best I have:

Dear Prince Kai,

I am writing to you today filled with excitement for our wedding. I will be arriving in the Eregal Kingdom tomorrow night. I can't wait to meet you and get to know your interests. My love for you is already immense and I can't begin to imagine it when we get to know each other. See you soon.

Love from,

Princess Ainsley

What a load of it. I rolled my eyes as I signed it with my big, royal signature. I put it into an envelope, resisting the urge to tear it into pieces. I opened the heavy door and called out for Elena. Within a few seconds I could hear her call from down the stairs.

"Coming Ainsley!" I waited for her at the door.

"I finished the letter just now and it's ready to be sent out."

"Wonderful. I'm sure your father will be happy."

"It doesn't matter how he feels," I snapped back. I probably shouldn't have done that but why should I care how he feels when it's not a two way street? "Sorry, Elena. I shouldn't be acting out on you."

"It's alright darling. I can't blame you. I know you've always wanted a fairy tale story and this isn't exactly like one but maybe Prince Kai isn't too bad."

Elena always saw the positive side of things and I never understood how. I aspired to have her attitude.

"You're right. I'm glad I can talk to you. I'm going to start packing now. Thank you." I handed her the letter and started to walk to my room. I went into my closet and looked for a suitcase. I spent the next two hours slowly packing. Elena brought in lunch for me, a sandwich and some apple slices. The rest of the night was slow and dreadful. I skipped the usual dinner again and I could hear my father outside of my room asking for me. Elena stopped him before he reached the door to my room.

"Your Majesty, Ainsley said that she was busy packing for tomorrow's trip. She said that she wouldn't be able to make it to dinner tonight. I'm sorry."

"But we have dinner every night at 8:00 together and she already skipped last nights. This is unacceptable-"

"I will bring her up some dinner and tell her that you missed her presence," Elena said cutting him off. She always stood up for me when I needed it and father knew there wasn't much he could do about it. She did end up bringing me some dinner, grilled chicken and vegetables. When I was done packing I sat on my window seat. It looked quiet outside tonight and the stars were bright. I tried to imagine how my future was going to end up but I found it impossible. I've never met Kai and we barely have any time before the wedding.

I walked over to mybed and tucked myself in. After tossing and turning for what felt like hours, Ifinally felt myself doze off. A voice in my head kept repeating, "I don't want to wake up tomorrow."

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