Part six|On a mission

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Two years later~

Bruce's POV

Y/n would be 17, now. I tried to find her and Tony helped, or at least he tried. I would never forgive myself if I find her dead somewhere. There was no trace of her anywhere. But right now where on our mission to stop some bad guys as usual.

Your POV:

We were standing close together, nervous, but eager to fight. And I just got out of the "Freezer." We watched as the Americans were winning. We hear truckers whispering something to whom I assume is a scientist. We wanted to fight. I look at Pietro and Wanda and they held my hand and grip tight and Pietro speeds off.

When we get outside and Pietro and Wanda look at me and Wanda gets on one knee. " You ready Y/n". She asks putting her hand on my shoulder. "Yes". I nodded. I closed my eyes and she waved her hand on the side of my head and my eyes shot open. "Pietro, watch her ." She said as she ran off. "Oh, come on I'm always babysitting her" he huffed as I changed. I roared ready to run off and fight, but before I could Pietro sped in front of me with his hands up. " uh, uh Hey!! Look at me ." He said coming close, my face softened, seeing my brother.

"Yeah, it's me, I need you to stay with me ok." He said putting his hand in mine. I just huffed. "Come on," he said running towards a man with a bow and arrow. As I ran after him. The archer shot an arrow at one of our bonkers, but Pietro caught it. And the archer shot another one he caught it again and knocked the archer and smirked at him "What? You didn't see that coming." he said as he ran off again with me following him. That's when saw a green giant guy smashing and throwing our guys.

And Pietro thought it was a good idea to mess with him and he went back and forth pushing and moving our guys out of the way the green man was getting angry and tried to hit Pietro but before he could, I jump on him, and punch him. Sending him towards where we previously were. "Thanks," Pietro said patting my hand as I ran off to finish what I started. "Y/N, NO!!!" He said but I was already gone.

And I saw the bonkers that Pietro saved, broken and I didn't see green men anywhere but I saw a guy with a hammer. And punched him. And he hit a tree looking around trying to see how did it. When his eyes fell on me and with fear and confusion. As I was about to punch him again, I get punched and fly across the forest until I hit a big boulder. And the green man punched me, but I caught and punched him back, but he was quick and he grabbed my head and smashed it against the bolder causing me to black out.

Pietro's POV

After Y/n ran off, I went and fought another and ran to search for Y/n, but I didn't find her, I assumed she found Wanda so I ran to Wanda, finding her staring at Stark taking the scepter. And before I could attack Wanda stopped me as I look at her with confusion as she just smiled. " We're just gonna let them take it? " I said As Tony whipped out his hand and walk to the scepter. And the hand of his armor attached to his hand and he snatch the scepter.

When Wanda turn around and looked around "Where's Y/n?" she said "She might still be out there," I said as Wanda rushed passed me, outside with me following. She stops when we are outside. "Y/n!!!" She yelled walking, looking said to say "Y/n!!!" I repeated then she turn to me and hits me on my chest "Ow" I said rubbing my chest " How could you lose our sister she just got out of the "Ice" !?! " she said trying up "She just ran off!!!" I said "Why didn't you follow her?
," She said "She started fighting some dude so I thought he'd keep her occupied," I said And I wanted to fight too." I mumbled looking at the ground. Wanda scoffed as we went back to the trucker.

Bruce's POV: hulk

I watched them shrink into a small person, but their back was turned so I couldn't see their face, so I turn them on their back and look at their face and it was a little girl. I crouched down and move their hair from their face.  I couldn't help but feel like I know who this is and I pick them up to get them to safety, but the Hydra soldiers kept shooting at me, so I place the girl under a small hill and fought the soldiers.

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