ch. 36

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Chapter Thirty Six;;- Into the Dorms, Part Two; Old Photographs

"It's a class to each building. The right side is for the girls and the left is for the boys. First floor is a co-ed space," Aizawa explained monotonously as he led the students into the first floor. "The mess hall, baths, laundry stuff, and the like are all here."

The students immediately rush in, taking in the long room with the kitchen at the end, dining tables, and a big living room with a TV and couches. They're all talking to each other, admiring the size and the stuff inside the room.

Mineta has a weird look on his face, practically panting. "Did I hear that right..? The baths and laundry are co-ed?"

[name] made a disgusted face, but Aizawa doesn't bat an eyelash. "They're gender segregated. You wanna give it a rest already?" He asked without even turning around to give him a disgusted look.

"Yes, sir," Mineta replied immediately, slightly disheartened.

Mineta moved out of earshot and [name] groaned quietly. "Gross," She muttered. Aizawa must have heard her because she heard him huff with soft laughter. The thought about his attractive laugh crossed her mind again but before she could let the heat get to her cheeks, she addressed the group. "The dorms are located on the second floor up. Each floor has four rooms, so there are five floors. Each room as its own air conditioning, toilet, fridge, and closet."

Some of the students go into the room they were showing them, looking at the provided furniture and sizing up things compared to their own homes.

"The rooms will be laid out as we saw fit. All of the luggage we had you send us beforehand should be in your respective rooms, which have your names on the doors, so you should be able to find them relatively easily." Aizawa made a hand gesture at the stairs. "For the time being, go get all your stuff set in your rooms. We'll explain what we'll be doing next tomorrow. You're dismissed."

With the students all situated, [name] and Aizawa started back to the teacher's apartments.

"They sure seem excited," [name] sighed, hugging her arms to herself. "To be so young and full of energy again."

Aizawa gave her a look. "You're not that old. Aren't you younger than me?"

[name] blinked, not actually sure whether his age was something she even knew. "I don't know... Am I? I'm 28."

"You might just be the youngest out of all the teachers," he told her, shoving his hands and his pockets and smiling slightly at the incredulous look that passed her face. She's clearly pondering this idea when they reach the building.

[name] was about to reach for the door handle when it flew open, revealing Kayama standing there, almost having smacked [name] in the face with the door. She jumped back in time, however barely. "Hey, Kayama," she greeted.

Kayama grinned and gave her a wave. "There you are! Yamada and I were looking for you two."

"We had a class to take care of," Aizawa grumbled, shoving his hands in his pockets and pushing passed Kayama and into the building.

The remark didn't seem to bother Kayama and she laughed it off as a part of Aizawa's general demeanor. "Are both of you settled in? We thought we'd ask and see if either of you wanted help." She followed Aizawa into the building, [name] trailing behind the both of them.

"I'm all finished," [name] answered and Aizawa nodded his own agreement that he had finished as well.

Kayama pumped her fist. "Great! Let's hang out then!"

And somehow Kayama ended up managing to gather all four of their little group of friends and meeting outside [name]'s door, Kayama's reasoning being that her, Aizawa, and Yamada had all seen each other's houses before and wanted to see what [name]'s abode would be like.

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