Chapter 2: She Knows

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I woke up the next day to a pair of green eyes staring at me. “AAAAHHHHH” i yelled. Then i heard someone laughing. I looked to see temari standing there smirking at me. i glared at her “well good morning there ghost” she said. “temari you scared me why are you in my room” i ask. “Well to wake you up of course” she said smiling. “For what” i asked confused. “Because one it’s 2 in the afternoon and two we are suppose to spend the day together” she said smirking. “Oh yea so what’s the plan” i said getting up and changing temari being the smart girl she is she turned the other way “Well first we go get food then clothes shopping the weapon shopping then get more food than we can hangout at the park then head back home for dinner” she said turning to me since i was done. I nodded “sounds like a plan to me” i said. “Ok let's head out we got a lot of fun to have today” she said as we walked down stairs. While heading to the door i saw gaara i ran and hugged him “bye gaara see you later ok i will bring you cookies back” i said smiling at him. He smiled “ok” he said making me blush ‘oh no i gotta get it together man’ i thought shaking my head. “Ok bye guys” i said as we walked out the door. We heading down the road to a nice little restaurant. We walked in and was seated right away. “So what would you to like today” the waiter asked. I smiled “just some ramen please” i said. She nodded “and for the kazekage princess” she asked. “I would like some soup” temari said. The lady nodded and walked away. “So ghost how do you like it here so far i know you only been here a day but still” temari asked. I sighed “well i like it the sand is nice i love the structure of the buildings and everything the people here are so nice as well i even have you guys as friends” i said. She smiled “i’m glad you like it here” she said. Then the waiter came back with our food “enjoy” she said. “Thanks” we said in unison. Then ate in silence. After eating we headed to the clothing store. “Get whatever you want my treat as a welcome gift” she said. I looked shocked but nodded. I walked around and grabbed a few pairs of pants and a couple of shirts a pair of shoes and some rap to tie down my chest part in the future. As we were heading to the register i saw a amazing outfit that caught my eye it was a fishnet shirt with a red jacket and black sweat pants that had  to red ninja holders. And also came with to red and black sword straps.  I went to look at the price and it said 1925.37 yen i couldn’t afford it i sighed and started to walked away but i saw temari grab the outfit. “What are you doing” i asked. She smiled “i can tell that you like this one so i’m getting it for you” she said walked to the register and placing the outfit down. “But it cost to much i could never pay that much back” i said. “I never said you were paying me back i said this was my treat so i’m doing this because i want to so shush” she said laughing at me i smiled she is so nice. “Thanks temari” i said, she nodded as we payed for the clothes and left to the weapon store. I walked in and saw all the weapons and i knew i had to find the right one for me there were so many but i knew only one in here was for me all i gotta do is find it. I walked around and saw so many shuriken,kuni,katana,and gourds i walked around in amazement until i came across these swords and this gourd. The swords were black with red at the bottom and word death written across them i knew they were the ones. Then the gourd it was as big as gaara’s and it was red with black flames like amaterasu and the symbol for water on it i don’t have water nature but for some reason i knew i had to have it. I turned to temari and she noticed me staring at the things and she smiled “get them” she said. I nodded and quickly grabbed them and ran to the register. She paid for them as we left i hugged her “thank you thank you i will never forget this” i said. She laughed “it’s no problem now let’s grab some ice cream and head to the park to chill and talk” she said. I nodded we bought ice cream and sat on the bench in the park. “So ghost we haven’t you told anyone you were a girl” temari said. My eyes went wide and i choked on my ice cream. ‘How did she’ i thought. She laughed. “I don’t know what you're talking about” i said trying to sound convincing. She sighed “it’s not that hard to tell first you're voice is too light to be a boys and second you don’t mind changing in front of girls but in front of guys and third i can tell you have a crush on gaara” she said smirking. I blushed “is all of it that obvious” i asked looking away. “Yea but my question is why you do it” she asked. I sighed. “I guess i should tell you the truth but you have to promise not to tell anyone” i said serious. She nodded “i swear to kami” she said. “Ok so part of what i said was true but the truth is my real name is ghostina uchiha my father is itachi uchiha” i said she gasped “you mean the s-ranked criminal but then how did you end up here” she asked. “Well i was kidnapped by a guy names orochimaru but a few days ago i escaped and passed out near the sand village when i woke up i checked my surroundings and realized were i was i knew there was no way i would be able to find my daddwy in time so i did something my dad always told me to do was if i get lost or kidnapped and i manage to escape before he can find me put on a disguise so that i won’t be in danger he told me go to the nearest village and stay there until i find him or he finds me so i quickly changed and headed to the nearest village and made up the story of my father dying and telling me to come here and from there you know the rest” i said as a tear escaped my eyes. She looked shocked “so you're in danger and you came here until you can find your father” she said. I nodded she sighed and hugged me i immediately hugged her back. After a minute we pulled away she smiled at me “well imoto you're secret's safe with me i won’t tell a soul” she said. I looked at her shocked “d-did you just call me imoto” i asked her confused. She nodded “of course you're like my little sister now you can always count on me i will help you stay outta danger okay” she said. I nodded “thank you Ane but is it really that noticeable about my voice” i asked. She laughed and nodded “yea but i can help  with that” she said. I looked at her confused “how” i asked. She smirked and said follow me i was curious and decided to follow her we entered the hospital and went into the medical center with many cabinets full of different kinds of medicines in them. “Are we allowed in here” i asked. She nodded “i’m the kazekage daughter i can do what i want” she said. I giggled she is nice but sassy. “Here they go” she said grabbing to different bottles of pills one red and one blue. She showed me the bottles “okay so these pills help you change your voice the blue pill makes you sound like a dude and the red one makes your voice go back to normal the blue one runs out every 2 years okay” she said handing me the pills. I nodded while taking the bottles and taking the blue one. “When does it work” i said but noticed my voice a little deeper but just right for my age. I looked shocked “woah” i said. “Now that’s fixed now you can’t blush every time you see gaara” she said smirking. I blushed at his name “g-got it” i said she sighed “that’s also going to take a long time and also i know you like gaara…. But be careful please” she said serious. I was confused “careful about what” i asked. She sighed and shook her head “nevermind it’s late we should head home” she said. I nodded as we headed home with all our shopping bags. As we entered the house we walked in and threw all our bags on the couch “oh you guys are back pretty late” kankuro said. “Yea it was fun” i said. “Hmm ghost you sound different or am i crazy” he said. me and temari looked at eachother then laughed “nope i just think you're getting dumber than usual” temari said. “HEY I’M NOT DUMB AT ALL’” he said glaring at her. She smirked “sure you're not” she said putting her hand on her hips. “Whatever anyway dinners on the table we were waiting on you guys to get back” he said. We nodded “well let’s eat” i said as me and temari headed to the kitchen gaara was already there. I ran and hugged him, “GAARA I MISSED YOU SOOOO MUCH “ I said anime crying. He smiled as kankuro and temari laughed at me and my craziness. “Did you have fun” gaara asked as we set down at the table. “Yeah i got new weapons and temari made me buy clothes” i said i know i lied but i mean boys hate shopping so you get it. Temari caught on to what i was saying and played along “oh shush you needed them” she said. I sweat dropped “i didn’t need 7 bags of clothes” i said. She rolled her eyes “the more the merrier” she said. I laughed. “Well at least tomorrow i can hang with you” kankuro said. “Oh yeah well we have to rain check that i am spending the day with gaara” i said ruffling gaara's hair. Which made him glare at me all i did was smile. “Awww come on no fair he gets all the attention” kankuro said pouting. “Well gaara is better company” i said smirking at him. “Thanks ghost” gaara said making me blushed. Temari noticed and rolled her eyes at me i just blushed more and stuck my tongue out at her. “You're hopeless u know that” she said. “Hey i’m working it” i said. “Doesn’t look like it to me” she said smirking. “What are you to talking about” kankuro said looking confused. “Oh it’s a secret” i said. “Oh come on tell me i will keep quiet” he said. “Ghost let’s speak in the hall” temari said. I nodded and followed her into the hallway. “Yeah what’s up” i asked confused. “Oh well we should at least tell kankuro you like gaara” she said. I looked at her like she was crazy “what no way he will think i’m gay” i said. She smirked “it’s either  that or he finds out you're a girl i mean i know kankuro acts dumb but he really is smart” she said. ‘I mean i guess she’s right it’s better to be thought of as gay then him find out i’m a girl” i thought. I sighed then nodded “fiiiine tell him” i said pouting. She laughed “KANKURO” she yelled. After a few minutes he came to the hallway. “Yeah what’s up am i about to hear the secret you guys are hiding” he asked raising an eyebrow at us. “Actually yeah you are” i said blushing and looking away. He looked shocked “really i was kidding but i’m ready to hear it” he said. “Ok but first you have to promise not to tell anyone even if you're dying you got that” i said. He nodded “i swear even if am dying and going to hell i won’t tell a soul” he said. I smiled “ok temari you can tell him” i said. She nodded “okay the secret is that ghost likes gaara” she said making me blush. I looked at kankuro and he looked shocked at what she said “you're kidding ghost you're not gay are you” he asked staring at me shocked and also confused. ‘Here we go’ i thought while nodded. “So you like my little brother” he asked. “Y-yeah” i said looking at him expecting him to be disgusted. But instead he was smirking which shocked me a little. “That’s cute” he said ruffling my hair. “But i thought you-” he interrupted me by laughing. “Let me guess you thought i was going to hate you because you were gay” he asked raising an eyebrow. I nodded “well of course i did” i said. “Well i don’t judge that kind of thing and plus your secret is safe with me we made a promise remember” he said. Smiling. I smiled and hugged him “thank you kankuro” i said. He nodded “guys let’s head back before dinner gets cold” temari said. We nodded and walked to the kitchen and sat down gaara looked at me confused which looked sooo cute. “Ghost is everything alright” he asked. “Yes temari was just trying to make me clean the dishes instead of her tonight but of course kankuro saved my ass and volunteered to do the dishes” i said. “Oh okay” he said. While kankuro glared at me and mouthed the words you owe me for this. I smiled and nodded and we finished our dinner. After we finished i showered and headed to gaara’s room to see him crying. “G-gaara” i said walking towards him. He looked up at me with wide eyes and quickly wiped his tears and smiled but i knew it was completely fake. “Oh hey ghost what are  you doing here” he asked. I sat on the bed next to him “i came to say goodnight but why are you crying gaara and don’t lie to me i’m your best friend gaara” i said concerned and serious. He looked down at the ground “i’m a monster no one will ever like me not even you ghost” gaara said. I was shocked. “Why would you say that” i asked that actually hurt me because you know why. “Well it’s just that you have been spending a lot of time with temari and kankuro so i thought you hated me like everyone else” he said which made me feel guilty ‘i guess they way i have been acting does make it seem like i was avoiding him this is my fault’ i thought. I hugged him “i’m sorry gaara i didn’t mean to make you think i hate you i could never i would rather die than hate you”  i said looking him in the eye with a serious face. He looked shocked but smiled “thank you ghost for being my only friend” he said which made me blush good thing it was dark. “Yea no problem i’m here for you no matter what” i said. He nodded “thank you” he said. I nodded and yawned “well goodnight gaara” i said standing and walking to the door but was stopped by gaara grabbing my hand. I turned around confused “um please stay just for tonight” he said looking down. I smiled he is so broken but i will be the one to fix him. I nodded and we both laid on the bed “good night ghost” gaara said. I smiled “night gaara” i said as i drifted off to sleep. 

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