The Punishment

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Fawn woke up to the sound of birds chirping. They were happily perched on her window sill, waiting for the windows to open. Fawn sat up in the bed. This room still felt so unfamiliar. If it were here room, she wouldn't trip when she gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom.

She may have been here at Malfoy manor for the entire summer, but it wasn't home. And she felt as if it never would be. She'd never find her way to the bathroom without tripping over the nightstand. And worst of all, she'd never get rid of the memory of throwing up every night in that bathroom.

It was her 6th year. She was supposed to be partying. Getting drunk. And even falling for that guy, whoever he might be. But no. Instead of setting her homework on fire, and drinking with her friends, she was stuck here. At Malfoy Manor, forced to be a death eater. But worst of all, she had to work with Draco Malfoy.

Instead of allowing herself to get worked up over the worst thing that could have happened to her, she pushed the thoughts down in her body. Further and further, until it was like she was walking on them, on in this case sitting on them.

She rubbed her eyes, trying to feel how puffy and red they were today. She couldn't tell, so she unwillingly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. Once again she hit the corner of her toe on edge of the nightstand.

"Mother f-" she held her tongue, remembering the threats Voldemort made.

She hopped over to her bed, clutching her bloody toe. She sat down sinking into the soft bed, examining her toe. It wasn't broken, just hurt beyond explaining. She stood up, limping into the bathroom.

She made it half way when she decided she needed to take a minute before she made it all the way to the bathroom. She stopped right in front of the nightstand and moved to the side.

She looked down at the edge of the, now bloody, nightstand. She smirked and cocked her head to the side. What was she doing? She was mocking a nightstand because she can't walk in the right direction.

She cursed at herself and continued to walk. Pushing through the pain in her toe, and through the growing pain of sickness in her stomach. She couldn't throw up now, Draco would hear her and then she'd hear about how she was such a wimp for the rest of the week.

She allowed the hatred for Draco to consume her, causing her to push herself to dedicate her day to being better then him. Why did he get to be so cocky? Why did he get to want to die? Why did he dedicate his miserable life to dying? She couldn't help but ask herself these questions as she cleaned the wound in the bathtub.

She winced as the hot water entered her wound, cleaning the dried blood off her toe and help stop the blood oozing out. She stared as the blood turned the water going down the drain an ugly red. She watched as the ugly red water easily went down the drain, and found herself staring at the drain until the water wasn't red.

She snapped out of her stare and grabbed a towel, wiping off her wet foot. When she was done drying her foot she laid the towel on the floor, making sure blood didn't get on the elegant tile floor. She opened the mirror revealing the bandages, medicine, toothbrushes, and anything a person could imagine having in a bathroom.

She grabbed the bandages, and sat on the edge of the tub. The "edge" really wasn't and edge, more like a curve. So she had to be careful not to slip into the tub, and get her bottom wet.

She began unwrapping the bandage from the package, and was halfway through making sure it wouldn't fall off when her arm began to burn. She clutched her arm, feeling the movement of the mark on her arm.

She winced, and began to sob quietly. She couldn't go for 10 minutes without it burning. Most of the time she ignored it, and just got information out of Draco. She knew the only reason her told her was because if they didn't do the task, his family would get the punishment, not him. He'd love it if he got the punishment. Hell maybe Voldemort would kill him.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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