"And your name is Aubria Burchett, correct?"
"Yes sir"
"And you would like to work for us?"
"Yes sir"
"Where are you from?"
"Seattle, Washington sir"
"What qualifies you to work at one of the most elite organizations in the world?"
"I think my record speaks for itself."
"Ahh yes, prodigy, graduates school at 13, trains with various government agencies over the years, until now, when you're sitting in my office. I'm not looking for textbook info Ms. Burchett, anyone can find all of this information out with a simple search. Why are YOU here? Why are YOU qualifying? And why S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"I want to change the world, and given the opportunity I know I can get rid of all of our enemies. I just want a chance, everything in my life was decided for me, this- this, is the one thing I get to choose. I chose you, so please choose me."
"Very well Ms. Burchett, Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D"
"Thank you Secretary Pierce"
"Without a hitch" Elara- now Aubria says as she leans back on the leather couch in her new apartment. She kicks her feet up on the ottoman and takes in the scenery. Man does Everett know how to pick an apartment. The apartment was located just 15 minutes away from the S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters. The building wasn't overly-large to draw suspicion, and was something her persona could easily afford to rent. It was around 1,000 square feet if Elara had to guess. The kitchen was admittedly nice with fake marble counters and white cabinets. The fridge was smaller than a standard size one- but for an apartment of one Elara didn't mind. The kitchen was combined with the dining room which housed the door to the apartment. There was a singular bedroom and two bathrooms, one connected to her bedroom, the next connected to the main living room- which consisted of a leather couch and a medium sized- wall mounted TV. Elara's eyes landed on the remote next to her foot, she tried to awkwardly grab it with her foot but to no avail. The remote clattered to the floor and Elara groaned.
"First day on the job?" A red-haired female asked Elara noticing her fumbling around with the report in her hands.
"Uhh yeah, can you tell?" Elara scratches her head and glances at the female. Her hair was cut just above her shoulders and she was around an inch or two shorter than Elara.
"Yeah a little" The redhead laughs and extends a hand, "I'm Natasha, it's good to see more women around here, especially in the field jobs"
"I'm Aubria, and yes I agree" Elara responds and chuckles in return. Now committed to her persona she decided that she would want to stick around Natasha.
"Listen it's a simple recon mission- in and out, we just need a few files without them knowing we took them"
"Romanoff, you're on download, Burchett you're on hallway- keep watch, I'll be right outside waiting in the delivery truck, once you get the data get out asap. I don't want any conflict with the enemies inside- don't leave a trace you were here" The man debriefing the two women yelled over the roaring wind fighting its way into the quinjet. They began reaching their dropsite- located a few miles away from a compound somewhere in Slovakia, and home to a few corrupt government officials trying to sway the vote of an upcoming election.
"Approaching drop-site in approximately 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5"
Elara's hands became slick with sweat and she began running through the steps of the mission in her mind. Drop down, run to the base, guard Natasha, get out- it's simple, in and out. She had told Everett about the mission before hand- but due to the fact it wasn't of relevance to HYDRA she should carry out the mission like normal- mostly to gain the trust of the members of S.H.I.E.L.D. Elara in all truth couldn't wait until this whole undercover mission was over- sure Natasha was nice- but she hated these people and everything they stood for. They were wrong and she was right.So then why in the deepest part of her mind- was there a voice saying "am i?".
Red-Hair shot past her and soared out of the opening of the quinjet, plummeting to the ground a few thousand feet below. Elara stuck in her thoughts failed to realize the countdown had ended and they were above the drop-zone. Running forward Elara hopped out the back on the jet.
A thousand pounds of force blew back in her face as her skin was pulled taunt against her face. Her hair-thankful that it was tied up -- was trying to free itself from her bun, and her clothes began to tighten around the surface of her body. After what seemed like forever and a second all in the same moment, she pulled the string to her parachute and allowed herself to glide down the rest of the way. She scanned the area when she caught sight of Natasha around a mile North of where she was- and much closer to the compound than she was- a product of waiting too long to jump.
Once Elara's feet hit the ground she took off running in the direction in which she saw Natasha. After a few minutes she was Natasha standing in a small clearing.
"Do you know how to count to 10- now do it backwards- easy right?" Natasha joked-but Elara could hear a hint of underlying annoyance.
"Haha, funny, lets go" Elara responds to Natasha- trying to slip into her 'Aubria' persona.
The two women began running once more until they were on the outskirts of the compound. Barbed wire fences lined the perimeters of the compound and there were guards at every post. Natasha began to creep closer to the compound and signaled back to wait. Of course Elara knew this- during their debriefing earlier they were told they would be dropped close to one of the guard shift times to make it easier to break in. Once the guard begins to walk away Natasha and Elara take their opportunity, slipping in careful not to get caught, the two women scale the compound using the fire escapes on the outside of the grey building. Once lined up with the third floor the read-head begins to pick the lock of the office window quietly. The third floor was virtually unoccupied today- due to a company fundraiser or something of the sort.
"I'll go scope out the hallway" Aubria says to Natasha once they are inside the dark office room.
Elara creeps the office door open and peers down the dark hallway- she's met with silence and stillness. Elara finds herself being calmed by the serene hallway- but scolds herself to stay alert and vigilant. After around 5 minutes Elara hears a small beep- accompanied by Natasha peeking her head through the door and signaling it was time to leave.
Elara hops out the window following Natasha and they descend down the fire-escape. They make their way back to the fence careful not to be seen and slip away from the compound. After running for a few minutes the trees cleared to reveal a road with a hostess truck.
"Please tell me that's Fury with Twinkies, I swear if I get in there and that truck's empty I'm leaving" to this Natasha chuckles and continues on towards the truck.
"I'm not kidding," Elara says under her breath.
Once Natasha nears the truck the door swings open to reveal Nick Fury. During her first few months at S.H.I.E.L.D she got to know the man really well- well not his secrets- just his personality. Elara jogs up to the truck only to see tech gear inside and a 'DIY' hole in the wall leading to the front of the truck.
"Seriously, you have this junk in here?" Elara groans as a frown pulls at the corners of her mouth.
"Get in here agent Burchett, if you put your passion for desserts in your job we would have rid of HYDRA completely already" Fury reprimands, as Elara steps up inside the truck that used to be filled with one of her favorite snacks. Fury makes his way to the front of the truck and hops in the driver's seat.
"Here" Fury calls as he launches a pack of Twinkies at Elara's head, she catches it just in time.
"This is why you're my favorite cyclops"
A/N: Elara doesn't know that S.H.I.E.L.D has already been infiltrated by HYDRA members because the people undercover in S.H.I.E.L.D are deep undercover and Elara doesn't have the clearance to know about that mission. Also sorry if the whole Elara-Aubria thing is confusing. Her birth name is Elara- but she is now undercover and using the alias Aubria Burchett. Ahhhh also also- sorry for all the time skips- it's basically a filler chapter to show she's getting to know the members of S.H.I.E.L.D and is gaining their trust, because I feel like she would have to prove her skills and loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D before the events of the first Avengers movie. As always let me know what you want to see or if you have any comments! -Thea

Red Shadow~ Steve Rogers
FanfictionThe Grand-Daughter of Johann Schmidt, groomed from a young age to become a faithful soldier of HYDRA. Elara is out for revenge, for her grand-father she never got to meet. Good thing his killer came from the grave, and its Elara's job to put him bac...