Brother Figure's Part 1???

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AU: Daycare and Highschool AU

apparently this is about dream working in a daycare and goes in highschool and this is not a ship story its a brother figure so please dont force me to ship them since i love brother figures to much!! and theres no ships here (idk if there gonna be ships) and some blushing will be like blushing in embarrassment or some blush in homies

The brother figures towards each other:

Technoblade, and Dream my beloved


techno: 18

dream: 17

wilbur: 19

tommy: 13

tubbo: 12

ranboo: 14

BBH: 22

George: 16

skeppy: 23

sapnap: 16

idk if theres things ill add because i really didnt plan so yeah okay now we shall start!! and some of my ocs and my best friends ocs will be there! now START!!!

time: noon


i then look at dream with worry since he has too absent on his exam today and he had to work so hard to it that he hadnt slept for weeks but since he wanted to help with lots of kids as i look at hope(my OC) with worry too since he hadnt slept for weeks as he is drinking coffee as he drank his 12th black coffee as i went to the two


hey guys i think you two should take a break! its been weeks since weeks since you two slept! and plus im worried!

[dream and hope]




as they keep saying no i keep begging and begging and begging that they actually said yes as the two went home as i smiled and decided to talk to skeppy

Dream PoV:

as me and hope parted our ways to our house we said our goodbye's as i went inside the apartment i saw my big brother figure as i yawn and falls to the ground as my big brother figure catched me on time as he sighed as he carries me in bridal style and goes inside my room and puts me to bed as he goes out of my room as he sleep peacefully and comfortably

-Timelapse to midnight-

Technoblade PoV

i was sitting on dream's couch and was extremely worried for his health and schedule since he hadnt slept and hadnt taken a break for weeks as i stand up and decide to go to a mall to buy a food for him so he can eat nicely like the days he kept drinking coffee and only coffee when he studied like how did he even survive?! as i just sighed and put on my black jacket as i went out to buy his favorite food A.K.A Jollibee(i love jollibee and havent eaten them in months so yeah)

-20 minutes later-

as i was in the mall i went inside the jollibee restaurant to buy Jolly Spaghetti w/ 1pc Jolly Crispy Chicken & Soda as i buyed two of them and got out of the line and got out of the restaurant as i went to explore a bit more of the mall

-Meanwhile With The Creators-

techno: *looks at hope as he slaps him making him fall to the ground*

dream: *looks at techno* YOU SLAPPED ME!! YOU MONKEY!!!

techno: *takes a ring out* marry me *said it with a blank look no blush*

dream: *makes a confused look*

Y/N: *wheezing and uncontrollably laughing her/his ass off*

Kurea: why am i just here to suffer??

Skharlet: *choking and gagging because of her laughter*

Hope and Umbrella: *looking at each other* we should do that to our husbands!!

Y/N and skharlet: *laughing even more as their lungs hurt as they fall on their knees still laughing loudly*

Kurea: L

Dream: *still processing what the heck just happened*

-Back to the story and lets skip to 3 days since i have no ideas left-

Dream Pov:

as i opened my locker my two best friends came up to me and talk to me their kinda amazing but not amazing as my big brother! as we went to our classes since we have the same classes as we went to our seats as i see the other class went in here and i saw the sleepy bois ink and my big brother! as the teacher said they will also be here to listen to the teacher about the guardian of the sun and moon as they went to the free seats some sit on the ground some sitting on the cabinets


okay everyone! today we will be learning about the guardian of the sun and moon! as she said that she then grabs the book on her desk and opens page number 184 as she start reading okay so the sun and moon guardian can only become them if they have a strong bond of brother relationship! they can even control time and the world like god! and blah blah blah

as i heard that i was kinda interested but its not like me and techno would be the guardian of the moon and sun......right? RIGHT?! of course it did! we turned to the moon and sun god since our brother figures were unbreakable and inseparable! its like god gave birth to us and made us unbreakable! now we should continue!


after class the principle took his mic and said we have no class in the after noon now and say the reason why we have no class on the noon now is because of how busy they are and i was happy i could spend time with my big brother as i just start running to where he is

well that made him happy

as i said that sapnap agreed as we started to go to my house to play video games and stuff


i saw my brother with his friends as i yeet myself and prepare for a hug as i did we fell to the ground as tommy wilbur laughed as phol just sighed and face palm as i broke the hug and give techno a hand to stnad up

big brother can we hang out today???

when i said that tommy groans a bit because of jealousy as i continue to focus on techno's answer

sure we can but can i bring them too?

techno then point to wilbur tommy and phil as tommy was smiling wanting to come and phil just bored and wilbur smiling at dream

sure! as long as they dont cause trouble!! and dont burn the apartment like last time....

wilbur and tommy then sweat drop from that memory and remembered to the two almost got killed by dream as they nod while philza was just chilling

As the 5 then went to go hang out somewhere because they hd nothing to do and the good idea is to kill people! no im joking and its swimming!!

when i said swimming is their hang out theres gonna be ton of angst i guess but thats it for now! so see ya for the next chapter!!

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