Brother Figures part 2???

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i have nothing to do and was bored so yeah


-Philza PoV-

As they were already in the beach they have no shirt but have pants on as Tommy and Dream went to the water and already went to a swimmimg race as i laughed a bit and as me and techno arranged the stuff we need for the beach as wilbur is sitting on the sand loving the view of the water as i put my sun cream on and dream and tommy already did theirs as techno and wilbur did too as i put my glasses on and sit on the beach chair but has long wooden legs (search it and the first image that pop up is the one he is sitting) as i rest my hands at the back of my head

i look at dream who won as i also went to the surface and look at him with a smile (yes he has a soft side)

"Congratulations big D!" i said with a proud voice as i clapped

"Thanks Tommy! but we should head back!" he said as he looks around and i also looked around and we were lost and not in the same surface we were in

"oh my.....FUCKING GOD?!?! WE ARE WE?!?!" i said with a panic voice and already worried and panicked

"dont w-worry tommy! im sure we'll find a way!" he said with hope on his voice

WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WE'LL FIND AWAY"?!?! WERE TECHNICALLY LOST!!! AND WE DONT HAVE STUFF WITH US!! WE ONLY HAVE SHORTS ON!!!" i said with full panic and anger i knew it was dreams fault since he got us into this mess

-with the sbi-

Techno PoV

its been two hours already since the two havent came back i was already worried from their disappearance as i went to the police beach station(Does that even exist??) and told them if they see dream and tommy as they nod in no as i panic even more as i went to the two and told them dream and tommy went missing

"What?!" says as wilbur stand up since he was sitting on the sand as he also panicked even philza panicked 

they then go to the bathrooms and change to their clothes as they took out their weapons Wilbur holding a sword, Phil holding an axe, while techno is holding a spear with enchantment on as they went out of the beach and starts to explore in the forest since they heard a small scream from dream and tommy


Ya'll im very very sorry for this short chapter i lost the ideas since they got deleted and i didnt save them in my brain im very sorry and i will have to skip the Angst heres a story? about me and my best friend Artiztic_Kurea roleplay about MCYT!AU but our OC's and the ships are different even the roles like Tommy!Nyx to Phantom!Nyx since sometimes we like to change it and 50% of the original Dream SMP i guess while the other 50% is just the way we type our story so here hope you forgive me:

(So kurea roleplays as Knight!Cipher and Wither!X while i roleplay the others like BH or Hope since we are roleplaying AU's and theres gonna be some of the original SMP!Characters here)

Wither!X: hey Cipher look over here. 

Knight!Cipher: Ugh what now you prick- what what the actual fuck?!?! The moment he turned he saw like over 30 tamed wolves at once HOW THE FUCK DID YOU TAME THAT MANY?!?!

Wither!X: Uh- dude we're at the snow biome they are very common here too you know ? 

Knight!Cipher: But why that many?!?! 

Wither!X: Because yes!


BH(Not from the MCYT!AU his from the other OG AU): Done killing them all as he stretches his back and groans well that was tiring! Says as he sighs and walks away leaving the corpse of the dogs as he is not filled with blood since it was a clean kill but his scythe is


Wither!X: lifts up one wolf and hugs it close And they are very precious and delicate in nature. 

 Knight!Cipher: At any fucking moment now you'll make one of them try and get a chunk off of me... 

 Wither!X: Don't give me any ideas then! :)

Knight!Cipher: ._. Even though that sounds a bit cool the way you said it the mask just ruins it and it's just creepy instead. 

 Wither!X: And I prefer to stay that way, right Chat ?(Voices: Pog!! Kill kill kill kill!!! Hunt down Cipher!!! Epic!! Creepy Darkfall!!!) 

Wither!X: These guys in my head really need to stop talking at once sometimes.... 

Knight!Cipher: sweatdropped


HB: walks pass by X house and goes inside and sees no one and starts stealing some valuable stuff as he stole the valuable stuff he then put a chest in front of the door as it was 5 doubled chest as he takes out a netherite enchanted sword with any kind of enchantment as he duplicates it and puts it on the chest each as he also did golden apples and etc as a message came up that only the MCYT!AU will see except BH, PSG!Hope, alfa, light, and haze will not see and its 

BH has joined the game 

but it was glitching for a bit and the text was red instead of yellow

Wither!X: A new player ? Says with curiosity, he then noticed the compass on his hand is turning it's clock like crazy he then sigh as he stands up and takes out and ender pearl with no moment to think he throws it as far as it is it reached the front door of his house he then appears there and sees the new player(BH) Huh, first day of being in the server you already went to grieving other people's valuables... I like the way you think to be honest but does it have to be my house ? Says with sarcasm in his voic

BH: i dunno, i was just bored after murdering orphans and dogs says as he has a blank look

Wither!X: Oh well. Just don't anger Edward over there points at Edward the Enderman he doesn't like anyone who suddenly snatches his grass away or stares at him too long, it's uncomfortable for him.

 BH: kay says as he walks out of the house as the 5 douvled chest were filled with lots of food and enchantment as he is just looking around

Wither!X: sighs as he crosses his arms and leans on the door frame as he then looks at Edward ⌇⍜, ⍙⊑⏃⏁ ⎅⟟⎅ ⊑⟒ ⏁⏃☍⟒ ? 

Edward: smiles ⋏⍜⏁ ⋔⎍☊⊑! ⊑⟒ ⎅⎍⌿⌰⟟☊⏃⏁⟒⎅ ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⎍⎎⎎ ⊑⟒ ⏁⍜⍜☍ ⌇⍜ ⊑⟒ ⎅⟟⎅⋏'⏁ ⏃☊⏁⎍⏃⌰⌰⊬ ⌇⏁⟒⏃⌰ ⎎⍀⍜⋔ ⊬⍜⎍! 

Wither!X: ....⍙⏃⌇ ⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⌇⍜⋔⟒⏁⊑⟟⋏☌ ⍙⟒⟟⍀⎅ ⏃⏚⍜⎍⏁ ⏁⊑⟒ ⋏⟒⍙ ⌿⌰⏃⊬⟒⍀ ? 

Edward: nods


kay im done bye still very sorry

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