Chapter 4

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I woke up in the morning early again then have my shower and head out to get Sugar from the paddock. I had just started tacking up when I heard a noise behind me so I spun around and didn't see anything.
"You know I saw you last night." I quickly spun around turned to be face to face with Chris. I quickly put my head down and looked at the floor.
"You scared me then!" I said "what are you even doing up?!?" I asked
"I could ask the same thing to you" Chris said with a smirk. I finished tacking up Sugar and headed straight out and didn't say another thing to Chris. For the rest of the day I ignored Chris, even when he kept asking me the same question, are you okay? After lunch I had to go to riding practice... With Chris.
"Emma, Emma! Wait up!" I ignored him and kept walking but then he ran up and caught up to me.
"Emma talk to me" Chris said as he grabbed my shoulders to stop me walking.
"Look I don't want to talk about this okay? Just leave me alone please." I said as I started to cry so I took his hands off my shoulders and it was the wrong thing to do.
"What are these?!?" He asked pulling up my arm where fresh scars where on the inside of my arm.
"They are nothing. You don't need to worry about me." I said as I yanked my arm away and went walking to Sugar and I jumped straight onto her and started trotting towards the forest I needed to think. It was almost midnight when people started yelling my name so I decided to trot towards where my name was coming from and I found Celia in tears.
"Emma! Chris told me what happened what were you thinking!?!" I just ignored her, trotted home and then went straight to bed and to sleep I my own room with the door locked.

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I might update again today but I might not so don't get your hopes up.

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