Chapter 9

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I put the note into the barn loft where I slept and then walked back out to the pasture. The pure white horse was still galloping around. I could see fresh blood on the horse from when I guess was when the evil family tried to tame her. No wonder she was so scared. I ripped out my phone and started to call the police about this animal abuse when Samantha's mum came out and ripped the phone out of my hand and said. "If you try anything like that again we will start to do the same to Sugar and the rest of the horses" she said pointing over to the White horse. I nodded and then walked over to the barn and started mucking out stalls. After I was done my back was sore and I was pretty bored so I went outside and decided to try to ride the other horses. I brought a bridle out and slid onto a black and white patched horse. She listened to me when I said to walk forward, she would be a great horse for beginners like Lisa! I dismounted after giving her some exercise around the arena and then lead her back to the paddock. Next up was a brown coloured horse with a white blasé. I mounted up and she moved a little bit when I mounted up and started to fidget, this would be good for Emma. I took her around the arena and then lead her back to the paddock. Now I mounted up a palomino horse. She stood very patiently as I mounted up and she was a little stubborn when it came to starting, okay maybe this would be good for Seth I thought as I lead her around the arena. Last was a buckskin horse. She let me mount and was a beautiful ride, you will be good for Austin! I said scratching her withers as i rode her back into the paddock. I mounted up Sugar and took her to the wild horses paddock. This would be Celia's horse and I will ride this wild one. I let sugar go where she wanted as I sat on her back. The wild mare could see me but she didn't seem to fussed she just really needed another horses attention. Sugar walked up to her and sniffed her and the White one did the same after they introduced themselves I led sugar away a little bit so I could get off safety without freaking the other horse. I dismounted and walked off into the barn and started organising the clutter.
I started humming to my self with a random tune while I was thinking of names for the horses. The black and white horse could be... Misty! Okay one down 4 to go. The brown horse could be........ Dust! Okay 3 more. The palomino horse could be...... Sunset! Okay 2 more. The buckskin could be..... Bucket! Umm maybe not umm what about? Twirl! Yes! Okay last one. The White horse could be........ Cloud! Yay! I found names!! Hahaha!
I looked at the clock I was almost done tidying the barn when it was 10:40pm I finished moving the rest of the stuff and it was 11pm wow I really need to get some sleep if I'm going to tame that horse! I thought to myself and climbed up the ladder into the loft then into my bed. I have got a big day tomorrow!!

Hey I'm so sorry! I'm studying for a couple of ncea tests for next week I'm so sorry about not writing more I will try to after these assignments! Anyways
Thanks! Bye!

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