Chapter 6

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Jarek made his way to the main doors, finding several guards watching the fiasco in the lower garden. Adella was being dragged out by the guards. Several had appeared to ensure that she made it to the other side of the gate without much fuss. Jarek raised an eyebrow, listening to the fiery words that were being screamed.

"Your highness," one guard said.

Jarek turned to the group of guards, giving them an unimpressed glare.

"Tell me how she could return when she was supposed to be escorted to the front gates."

"Mistress Remec stated that she'd left a few possessions behind and requested to collect them personally as they were of a sensitive nature."

Clasping his hands behind his back, Jarek frowned at the guards.

"Let me make it perfectly clear so that you are completely aware of the situation. Adella did not leave any personal possessions here. Adella Remec has been banned from the palace and that includes all of the outer buildings. Please ensure that everyone is fully aware of this. I do not want to find her attacking our guest again."

"Yes, your highness."

As one guard ran down the stairs to inform the guards at the main gates, Jarek turned to see his brother standing at the door.

"You've accepted it."

"No, I have accepted that Adella will not obey the rules of the kings when it comes to Patrice. She has always thought that she was a law unto herself, and therefore, it is not wise to keep her here, regardless of what your ridiculous book says."

"Actually, this is your book. You have quite a few that you should probably read. In fact, there is a quaint rotunda in the garden with a lovely woman resting in it where you can read all the books that I have set aside for you."

"No thanks," Jarek muttered. "Why don't you read them?"

Pressing his hand to his brother's chest, Jarek moved Evander out of his way.

"I have. That's why I know what's inside and why you need to read each of them. Fight all you want, dear brother. All you are doing is wasting valuable time. Every second that you resist is another second of your life gone. Slowly eroding away. I think that I shall like being king."

Evander quietly watched as his brother stalked through the entrance hall. His head turned to the garden, and for a brief moment, his feet paused. A subdued smile slipped into Evander's lips. He knew that regardless of how hard Jarek fought, he could not resist Patrice.

Jarek turned into the garden, wondering why the human was crying. It's not like Adella had actually caused her any harm. Sure, she could have been frightened, but he didn't think that was worthy of tears.


Patrice frowned as she looked up at the cold monster.

"Go away," she whispered.

"No. What bothers you?"

"None of your business."

"Incorrect. Everything you do is my business. That aside, this is the garden of tranquillity, not the sea of tears."

Patrice wiped the tears away, wishing that Jarek would leave. If she was rude, then he might get annoyed and storm off again. It was wishful thinking.

He sat on the chair and faced her with a hardened stare.

"I am not a patient king."

Angrily, she flung the letter out at him. Jarek took the worn piece of paper and read it. Before he finished, he noted the date at the bottom. It was the anniversary of her husband's passing or at least the day that she was taken from Earth. The anniversary of this date was several days ago on Earth, but for Patrice, it still felt like it was the same day.

Jarek sighed and held the letter out to Patrice. Her reddened eyes turned, refusing to look at him as she took the letter back.

"Be proud of his efforts. I know that it makes no difference to the pain you suffer but his sacrifice made the world a better place. When this is over, I'm sure that returning to visit would not be unreasonable."

"I don't know where his body is. Just a rough indication, one of many mass graves. Returning would be pointless."

Jarek wanted to tell Patrice that nothing was ever pointless.

"I did plan to visit him. It seemed easy enough. Travel to Dover, catch the ferry, then,"

Patrice paused, glancing at Jarek. Inhaling sharply, Patrice realised that she no longer cared. She wondered if she cared at all.

"I was going to travel to the town where they believed he was buried and end my life. Does it make you happier to enjoy my sorrow? To know that you've taken away my eternal rest with my husband?"

Patrice stood to walk away, no longer finding the garden to be tranquil. Jarek grabbed her by the wrist, stopping Patrice from leaving.

"You were human and religious, right?"

"What business is that of yours?"

"I have studied a few religions out of curiosity as we do not have them in this world. I am not certain, but my understanding is that those who take a life would have an afterlife in Hell and those who take their own life would be lost to a land of limbo. What purpose would it serve if you could never be with him in the afterlife?"

Patrice growled, ripping her hand free of his grip.

"You're such a bloody arse. Leave me alone."

Storming through the garden, Patrice reached the doors and saw Evander at the throne room. He smiled to say something and then frowned when he saw the angry mood. Patrice took off, running up the stairs.

Seconds later, Jarek appeared.

"What did you do?" Evander snapped.

"Pointed out that her plans to end her life at what might not be her husband's grave was not the smartest move if she wanted to spend the afterlife with him."

Evander stared, wondering if his brother had lost all sensibility. The nearby guard tried to remain stoic but couldn't help but roll his eyes.

"That would have to be the dumbest thing you've ever said, Jarek. No wonder she looked like she wanted to rip your head off. Do you understand the kind of grief that someone suffers when they lose their partner? Why would you say that instead of doing something as simple as offering a shoulder to cry on? Honestly, it's like we were born to two different parents."

Jarek huffed a soft snort.

"I would not say that too loudly if I were you. The clerics might make you try to prove that you are truly the prince."

Evander's lips pressed tight as he shook his head.

"I don't know what's going on inside that foolish head of yours. In future, please think about what you say and how it will affect your chances with Patrice before you speak."

"I have no interest in the human."

"Her name is Patrice, and whether you like it or not, she is going to be your wife. One day, she will be the mother of your children. That is of course if you stop doing stupid things. If you don't, you will be dead."

Evander turned on his heels and stalked off to search for Patrice. He hoped to calm her down with a few soothing words and remind her that Jarek was not himself at the moment.

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