Chapter 16

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*Taron's POV*
I've not heard from Chloe in a while and I'm becoming concerned, we have been meeting up weekly and normally arrange it over the weekend... But I've not had a response from Chloe all weekend, which is unlike her.
Have I done something to upset her maybe... Surely not.
I'm gonna head round there later to see what's going on after work.... For now let's forget about it and focus on work.
*8 hours later*
Well today was bloody hectic! A lot of stunts... I mean I do have a stunt double but I still have to do some stunts. It definitely helped me stop worrying about Chloe though.
I turned up to her house and knocked on the door...
No answer.
I knocked again.
No answer.
Where is she?
I thought maybe she was put with the girls or at work maybe. So I decided to leave it another day, perhaps I'm over thinking because I'm tired and I thought maybe she'll reply tomorrow.
I headed off home and went to bed.
*The next day*
I was awoken by my phone ringing... I rolled over and looked at the clock 7am... Ugh no thank you. Not on my day off.
I turned over and went back to sleep.
I was awoken once again by my phone ringing... Who could need to contact me so early...SHIT, maybe it's Chloe. I sat up so fast I made myself a little dizzy,scrambked to grab my phone off the side table and answered without looking at the screen
"Chloe!" I exclaimed.
"Ummm... No, its Cat" She replied.
"Oh, sorry Cat I thought it might have been Chloe calling me, what's up?" I responded, feeling like an absolute mug.
"Yeah I kinda gathered that from you answering the phone with her name" she chuckled.
"I was actually gonna ask you if you've heard from Chloe... She's not responding to any of my messages or calls and she was supposed to meet me yesterday for a coffee after work and she never showed and never cancelled either and I'm really getting worried" She exclaimed.
Oh fuck... Something is seriously wrong.
"Cat I think something is seriously wrong... I've not heard from her either and no one answered when I swung by her house yesterday either" I replied.
"fuck..."She responded... "Meet me at hers in 5... I'll call Paige" She added and then hung up the phone.
Oh god... Please let her be okay. FUCK.
I rushed round to Chloe's apartment and Paige and Cat had arrived too. We rushed up to the door and knocked before we let ourselves in with the spare key I had.
"Chloe!" We all called out for her.
No response.
We searched the whole apartment and could not find her. But once we figured she was not here we did a more thorough search to see if we could uncover any clues which could help us find where she could be or what happened to her. Yeah being a spy in a movie does come with some skills you can use in the real world. After all of us going detective mode, we found her phone down the side of her bed, which was really bloody bizarre as she never leaves the house without it, her keys in the bowl on a stand next to the door and she had some food in the microwave... Looked like leftover pasta and it smelt fucking vile... No offence Chloe... I think it was a few days old.
"She's not been here for a few days" I exclamed, after finding the pasta.
"Either that or she's suddenly become shit at cooking" I added trying to lighten the mood a little bit.
"I've just looked through her phone and there's some messages from a Coffee shop Connor... Anyone know who that is?" Paige questions while still scrolling through Chloe's phone.
Coffee shop Connor?
"They're quite flirty messages... And it seems like they've arranged a few dates.. One was even for Saturday... That was like 2 days ago" Paige added.
Flirty messages? And dates? How come she didn't tell me she was dating someone... Maybe she thought it would be weird...
"I've never heard of coffee shop Connor before... Have you guys? Has she mentioned dating anyone?" I queried...trting to play it off as cool.
"No... She's not mentioned him before" Cat added.
"Yeah she's not said anything to me either" Paige responded.
How odd... Wait....Coffee shop....
"Shit...guys I've just realised something... COFFEE SHOP Connor was the name" I exclaimed.
"Yes... We already know that Taron... We knew that like 5 minutes ago... Keep up boy" Cat replied looking confused.
"I hadn't finished... Chloe and I met at a coffee shop a few weeks ago and she insisted on getting my coffee for me... Ai thought she was just being nice, but now I think about it she was talking to one of the barista's for a little bit while he was making my coffee... Maybe that's coffee shop Connor? "I explained as fast as I could.
Cat and Paige looked at each other mind of shocked and then looked back at me. (Bit weird... Not sure what that was about, but there's more pressing matters at hand).
" Lead the way to the coffee shop Taron and we will ask about this Connor" Cat said gesturing to the door.
We quickly left the apartment and walked to the coffee shop
Bloody hell Cat can speed walk very fast... I trained a lot for Kingsman and I could barely keep up!
Once we made it to the coffee shop I hesitated to enter after I recalled the embarrassment which occurred a few weeks prior and I swore to myself I wouldn't go back in here.
"Why are you hesitating... Come on let's go!" Cat and Paige both exclaimed simultaneously... Which was fucking creepy.
"Its a long story, but okay let's go in" I replied praying that no one who was in here the day I proclaimed I was not funny was in here today and recognised me.
We approached the counter and the barisa asked "What can I get for you today?"
"Is Connor working today?" Cat asked straight up.
"Connor?" Asked the barista.
"Yeah, the good looking fella, he was working here the other week
"How can we contact him? If he's not in today" I replied.
"I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about... There is no Connor that works here" She replied confused.
"Okay then used to work here... How can we contact Connor?" Paige asked clearly annoyed by the semantics of it all.
"No I don't think you understand me... There has never been a Connor that worked here in the last 5 years" the barista explained.
What.... The.... Fuck

"Okay thank you" Cat quickly exclaimed before dragging Paige and Ai put the coffee shop as quick as possible.
"What the fuck" I said whilst starting to pace up and down.
"You're sure this is the only place Connor could be from?" Paige asked.
"Yes... This is the coffee shop Chloe would come to often and why she said to meet here" I replied.
"Okay... The only place we can look now is her work..."Cat suggested before starting to walk away from Paige and I before quickly coming back.
" Where does she work?" Cat asked.
Oh wow... She's not told them... She's only told me. I feel honoured.
" Umm I kmow... But she told me I can't say"I replied hesitantly.
" Do you think this is the right time to be withholding information from us Taron!" Cat said, slightly raising her voice.
" Yeah I guess you're right..."I started.
I leaned in closer to them both and whispered" She works for MI5"
"Sstop fucking around Taron... We don't have time for this" Paige sighed.
"I'm serious" I replied sternly.
Tey both looked at each other again then back at me. What is with them doing gets creepier the more they do it.
We decided the next best option and only option we had was to go to her work. This might be able to answer their questions on Chloe's whereabouts and whether Connor was involved.

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