Chapter 21 - The Finale

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*Taron's POV*
I'm so relieved that Chloe wants to go to the premiere with me, especially after what happened last time. But it felt different this time. I was more anxious and I wanted her to be my date, the thought of it makes me feel some type of way.
I think... After all that's happened, I love her. But in a different way. I still don't know if I always have but just suppressed it or perhaps played it off as sibling love. But one thing is for sure... I never want to lose her... And I have a plan. Let's hope it all goes well.

*Chloe's POV*
Taron and I have been hanging out a lot recently and it's really nice. Although I have noticed a change in Taron recently and it's making me question myself and if I've done something to upset him.
He's normally very jokey and flirty, I mean it's like when he impaled himself on my coffee table, he was immediately flirty with the nurse! But recently he's been different.. More reserved, more serious... Maybe anxious?
I tried to not let it bother me because I didn't want it to affect our friendship,but it was constantly in the back of my mind. And before you ask... No I don't just want to ask him why, because maybe he's just matured a bit and then I may offend him if I ask. Stupid I know... But I'm still not gonna ask.

*A few weeks later*
The night of the premiere.
I just had THE best day out shopping with Paige, Cat and Sophie. Yes I kmow I always leave it until last minute to go shopping for an outfit for the premiere.
It took a while but I soon found the most beautiful dress I have ever seen in my life! It was dark green, long sleeved and super flowery at the bottom (see photo at the top of the page). I won't lie, I looked fucking bomb in it too!
Something else shocking, I even found some beautiful heels, yes that's right HEELS, that I'm gonna wear. I mean fuck it, after the shit I've been through, why not! Let's go all out for this premiere. Plus the girls all insisted that I found the perfect dress and shoes for the premiere. They were being a lil shifty, they're probably up to something, but honestly... When aren't they!

*Later that evening*
*Paige's POV*
Sophie, Cat and I were all helped Chloe get ready for the premiere tonight. Cat was making sure her dress was sitting right, Sophie was on makeup and I was on hair duty. I gave Chloe some light curls that almost looked natural, but also gave her a bit of volume. Her make up consisted of a light smokey eye with black winged liner and some clear lip gloss. She looked INSANE! We all stood back and got a good look at her, admiring the work we had all done and then looked at each other and nodded. Our job was done, there's no way Taron will be able to keep his cool. Plus for what he's got planned, Chloe is gonna LOVE the photos.

Taron told us about his plan the other week, when he created a group chat and asked us all to meet him for a coffee. We obviously thought it was a little weird but agreed to meet him. That's when he explained what he was gonna do and if we wanted to help. Of course we were all in! There's no way Chloe was over Taron, she was just suppressing it or lying to herself after what happened last time. She always will love him, especially after what happened to her. Plus they've been ultimately close since Chloe has been recovering and she never shuts up about him when us girls get together. Anyway back to the important stuff.

Taron has just arrived and now it's time for him to see Chloe... Ahhhh I'm so excited!

*Taron's POV*
Wow. She. Looked. Beautiful.
I'm just speechless. I felt myself blushing a little and I had butterflies, she just looked so beautiful.
"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" She smiled at me.
I didn't even realise my mouth was open... That's embarrassing.
"You look amazing" I replied.
"You don't look too bad yourself" She said smirking slightly.
We then said goodbye to Sophie, Paige and Cat, then headed outside to the car, which had just pulled up and off we went to the Premiere.
The car ride was silent, not filled with conversations, like they usually are, but I think it's because I was so nervous.
"What film is this premiere for?" Chloe asked breaking the silence.
"Oh shit yeah... Sorry I forgot to say. Its Eddie the Eagle" I replied.
"Oh nice! That's the one you did with Hugh Jackman right?" She added.
"Yeah" I replied.
"I'm super excited! It's gonna be awesomeeeee!" Chloe exclaimed.

This is it, we were here. As soon as we got out the car we heard lots of screams and shouts from the fans, behind the barriers. Chloe linked her arm with mine and we walked down the red carpet, stopping and saying hi to fans along the way. I signed a lot of things and took selfies with a few of them too! They're all so lovely! After leaving the fans I suddenly became extremely nervous. This was it.

*Chloe's POV*
Wow, the girls did such a good job on my hair and makeup, I looked SO good!
"Taron's here" Sophie told me as she re-entered my room.
I suddenly felt extremely nervous. My nerves always come at the worst time.
I took a deep breath and left the room. As soon as I saw him my heart fluttered a little... He looked so handsome. But his reaction was funny. His mouth was just open.
"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" I said to him laughing a little.
"You look amazing" He replied.
"You don't look too bad yourself" I told him.
Once we were in the car to the premiere, it felt different than last time. It was silent...for too long. Was he nervous maybe?
I decided to break the silence by asking "What film is this premiere for?".
"Oh shit yeah... Sorry I forgot to say. Its Eddie the Eagle" He replied. Yeah he was definitely nervous about something.
"Oh nice! That's the one you did with Hugh Jackman right?" I added.
"Yeah" he replied.
"I'm super excited! It's gonna be awesomeeeee!" I exclaimed.
This is gonna be super fun! It wasn't long until we arrived to the venue. We linked arms and walked down the carpet to the fans and Taron was signing things, taking photos with them and talking to them, he looked right in his element. He absolutely adored his fans and is so grateful for them. When we started to get ushered on by the security we were then led to the paparazzi. Normally I get pretty nervous about the paparazzi part, but I felt like a bad bitch today so I was kind of excited to see the photos tomorrow!
A few photos were taken of us side by side, just smiling and posing. Although I was not expecting Taron to grab me, twirl me, dip me and kiss me! It was magical (Cliché I know, but it was) it felt like it all happened in slow mo.

*Narrators POV*
Now was Taron's time.. Time to show Chloe how he really felt about her, in front of the whole world. His one hope being that she felt the same.

Taron dipped Chloe, holding one of her legs by his waist, and kissed her, infront of all the paparazzi. It was extremely romantic. The fans went wild and the paparazzi were taking so many photos,but neither of them could hear the noise as they were focusing on each other.

When he pulled away and lifted her back to fully standing, she was just staring at him in shock.
Dread washed over Taron as he was worried he had made a mistake. Does she not feel the same? Was she embarrassed because we were infront of the paparazzi?
That dread was soon forgotten about when Chloe grabbed his cheeks and planted her lips onto his kissing him back. The fans once again went wild and were cheeringnand screaming, this time making them both smile whilst kissing each other.

This lasted a few moments before they both pulled away and smiled at each other before they both giggled and turned back to the camera to smile, before being ushered inside by security.

Neither one of them could stop smiling after what just happened. Whilst walking to their seats, Chloe laced her fingers with Taron's, which made him smile to himself and they then took their seats in the theatre to watch the premiere.
Throughout the film, Chloe could not help but feel an overwhelming feeling of love and admiration for the man who was sat beside her and on the screen infront of her.
Throughout the film, their hands remained interlocked and everytime Taron appeared on the screen Chloe would smile and squeeze his hand a little in excitement. This made Taron feel warm and gave him butterflies. He spent the majority of the film watching Chloe and her reaction to the film, he watched her with such admiration, he loved how excited she got about films he starred in. He though it was cute.

They had both finally stopped denying the feelings they had for each other and admitted what they had truly felt all along. Let's just say when they got home that night, they didn't get much sleep.


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