Goryo's Royal Baby

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Author's Note: if Lee Gon and Jung Tae Eul survived all the ordeals in Tainted Salvation, their son would be like this.

Warning: mostly like what I wrote on twitter, but more detailed.


Lee Ji Hoon was definitely not an ordinary baby. He's the son of the King of Goryo, Lee Gon, and the Queen of Goryo, Jung Tae Eul. His mother experienced an extremely hard time while she was pregnant with him. His delivery was also hard. The weeks after he was born was painful, and even his first year of life was hard.

But the baby thrived, and struggled to live. He knew how hard his parents fought to have him, and he, too, with his small life, fought hard. Ji Hoon was a fighter, ever since he was in his mother's womb.

His parents were worried, with his extremely hard time during the pregnancy and the many conflicts in his first year, that Ji Hoon would be a sickly baby.

But he wasn't.

Lee Ji Hoon was healthy. He had enough milk and ate as he should. He fought hard to survive all the illnesses a baby usually had, like flu and fever, and recovered every single time.

Because of the conflicts and struggles he experienced since he was in Tae Eul's womb, mixed with the character of Lee Gon, Ji Hoon grew up as a unique, and extraordinary baby. His behaviour was different with everyone else, ever since he was an infant.

First of all, Ji Hoon rarely cried. He was a quiet baby. He would wake up from his sleep and just stared at the canopy of his crib. It was Tae Eul or his babysitter that had to check up on him and checked his diapers or gave him milk. Because he really cried very seldom.

He cooed and mumbled, but he rarely cried. He's so quiet that Tae Eul asked whether he was really alright to Dr. Young Ae. And with every consultation, the doctor said he's healthy and they got nothing to worry about.

Tae Eul of course loved her baby very much, but there had always been a special bond between him and his father.

Lee Gon would check on him every lunch time, then held him after he finished his work, nearly not letting the baby go except when it's dinner or bed time.


Where is Appa?

When Ji Hoon was 6 months, he began to realize when Lee Gon was not around. Actually, he's only working in his office.

Seulgi, his babysitter, would play the videos of Lee Gon's speeches from Youtube. That would make Ji Hoon stopped crying.

He would even mumbled and replied to his Appa.


Slight Fever

Tae Eul brought him to her office. She resumed being a detective after she gave birth, with the same team.

Another crib was put in her office for Ji Hoon.

When he's a year old, video call wouldn't help anymore.

One day, when Ji Hoon was a little unwell, he kept crying, calling "Appa, Appaaaaa" so sadly.

So Tae Eul carried him to Lee Gon's office.

"He's looking for you."

Lee Gon checked the baby's forehead and he was warm. He took Ji Hoon from Tae Eul and kissed the baby's cheek. Ji Hoon stopped crying and snuggled on Lee Gon's shoulder.

"Aigoo. Appa's boy is sick. Have you had lunch?"

"He didn't want his lunch."

"Give it to me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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