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"Hit harder," he snapped, slashing at her with his knife. "Keep your body up, core tight. You're still too weak-"

She struck, surprising him with the quickness in her step and the power she exuded when she pounded into his gut. Even after all of these years and then some, she wasn't used to her power.

Ana shifted on her feet as he coughed, laughing at she exhaled, "I got you, didn't I?"

"Pretending to be weak?" he groaned, standing straight but keeping a hand on his stomach. He wore a tight tank top, similar to the one she wore. They always wore the same things, especially during training and missions. 

She nodded, grinning. "Just wanted to see how shocked you'd be once I hit you good." she jutted her fist out, faking a few punches in the air as she hopped from foot to foot. 

He shook out his wrists, his metal arm grinding. "When are you scheduled to leave?"

"Tonight," she replied, stopping her little dance to grab her water. "And you?"


"When do you come back?"

He shrugged. "Whenever I get the job done. And you?"

She nodded. "The same."

Ana always loved going on missions, but she loved going on them with him ever more. The Asset was always strong competition, but when together? They were an unstoppable force. Almost always, they got the job done within the first hour and had the remaining day or two to relax and spend together in whatever little shit hole they found. 

She looked over at him, pursing her lips before finally asking, "Do you remember anything from before?"

He gave her a long look before shaking his head and snapping, "Last time you asked me that, we both were sent to the chair. Don't ask me that again, not here."

"But do you?" she whispered, knowing no one was in the room with them but she couldn't be certain. She hated the chair, the constant electricity, the pain, the burning, the screaming-

He couldn't meet her gaze before murmuring, "I see a man, sometimes. Blonde, head to toe in red, white, and blue. It takes a while for me to picture him, to remember anything before they catch on." He paused, looking at her finally. "Do you? Remember anything?"

She nodded.

He waited for her to respond.

She looked past him, towards the doors. Ana couldn't wait until the day she escaped, that she could push those doors open and run and run until she couldn't run anymore.

"Well?" he asked, finally drawing her attention.

She frowned, looking down. "I remember everything."

Ana swung the chair, hitting the closest man hard enough to knock him backwards. 

She grabbed one of the legs, bending until it snapped and she thanked her super strength for what she was about to do next. 

She used the metal rod as a bat, striking up and fast. The man who had charged her, fell backwards, chin jutting up and blood spewed from his mouth. She grinned, he must've bit down on that fat tongue of his.

She heard a gun go off and she cursed, shouting, "So not fair!" 

She charged the next man as the one from across the room did the same. She jutted her hand out as she dodged with her head as he tried to shoot her in the face, gun going off and bullet whizzing past her ear. 

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