Forgiveness Is Not Forgetting

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"Yeah dumbass it's a thing of being the servant of Lucifer. She has to forgive you."

"No, this was different. This wasn't Aileth.... this was Riley..."

Lucifer rolled his eyes once again, "They are the same person."

Uriel frowned and shook his head, "They are not, Lucifer. They are two very different people. Ali is different from Aileth and Riley is different from both. If you really loved her you would've noticed her shift in belief."

Lucifer hung his head low, a dark and furious expression on his face, "This does not concern the likes of you!" He tensely spat out.

Linda closed her eyes and breathed, opening them back up she looked at the three men, "How do we get her back?"


She sat dumbfounded, "You guys are just gonna leave her there?!"

The devil narrowed his eyes in confusion, "Uh. Yes? What's the problem?"

"The problem is-"

"The longer she stays down there the more her soul dies. Just the same with heaven. We must get her back." Uriel cuts the doctor off, determined to get his best friend back.

Lucifer growled lowly, "No, I will get her back."

"You didn't even know she was in hell!!"

"You put her there!"

"Guys! This isn't helping anything, if we want to get her back we will need help. Us angels can't go into hell and Lucifer can't go into heaven. We have to work together."

"Both heaven and hell..."


"This is so fucking boringgggg~"

The maid chuckled softly, "Yes, it appears so your majesty."

Aileth looked over at the maid, smiling warmly, "Why don't you go pick us something out for the dinner tonight?"

The maid fumbled, "Oh! Your majesty I am not permitted to go into your room!"

She chuckled, "It is alright Leslie, go pick us out something." She shifted her vision to the crowd, "I will be right back."

Her black heels clinked against the black marble floor of her grand staircase, she was now wearing a black fuzzed robe with a red lace pair of pjs underneath (complemented with one of Lucifers button shirts) She had left her black heels on. They made her feel powerful.

 They made her feel powerful

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It truly was amazing. Hell. The silence, the luxury, the party's. Well, it was amazing for the queen that is.

She sighed heavenly, "I need a bath... Charles!"

The male servant rushed over, in a heep of heavy breaths he responded cautiously, "Yes your majesty!?"

The queen smiled, "Clam yourself please. Thank you, may you get a bath ready for me?"

"Of course!" He stood up straight and rushed to get the order done.

Aileth giggled, the way they ran made her nerves squeeze, she held onto on of the buttons on Lucifers shirt that she had stolen.

Messing with the hem the woman looked up, knowing that somewhere up there was her husband and his brothers. Probably trying to get her out of hell. But inside, she could feel her soul healing the longer she had stayed. Yet it had only been a few hours on earth it was more like a few days for her.  Her soul felt recharged and rejuvenated beyond anything in the universe.

Inhaling the fresh scent of rose oils she walked up the stairs and into her restroom, the scent of rose and lavender calmed her aching muscles instantly.

She was ready.....

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now