Chapter 1

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The pic on the side is Dante,sort of... well and the front cover is Aria

Chapter 1

As usual London's stench made her nose curl and eyes sting. The odours of the Thames River, mixed with the sewage, buildings and yellow fog were almost unbearable in the stuffy little room. Mistress Gusino swept in like a tornado, sucking everyones attention to her. Aria sighed and continued her rythmatic sewing trying to block out the smell and the noises in the shop and enter a meditative state where she sewed with her hands but her mind was elsewhere, remembering memories that are normally stowed away. Most of them were memories of her parents. Aria remebered all the nights her dad sat her on his knee and her twin brother, Dante, on the other and began story-telling time.  His low, husky voice told tales of mysteries, crime and victory over evil. They would listen intently, concern, fear, joy appearing on the faces as he told the story. At the end he would hug them and whisper into thier ears "You see, bambini, good will always win."

Suddenly a shril high voice interrupted her day-dreams"Fragola, Fragola! Vot is vrong vith dat girl?

Aria leaped up and curtseyed. "Good evening, Mistress Gusino. Did u enjoy the dinner?"

"it was horribly boring but ve have more orders!"the plump woman said, taking off her heavy fur coat. Aria took it and with a groan hung it on a hook.

"What orders?"Aria asked.

"The lady of the house vants 3 new glittery dresses by Vednesday and here are the measurements and vat-not." Mistress Gusino answered, throwing a peice of paper on the desk.

"Vhere is my dinner?"she shouted.

"sorry, mistress"Aria dashed into the kitchen, working quickly. She made the tea, poured the soup into a china bowl and carefully carried it in, trying not to spill.

"Here you are, mistress"

"Too long, Fragola! You should be grateful to me for keeping you here and giving u a job! Vthout me you'd be on the streets!"

"But Mistress Gusino--"

"You insolent vretch, How dare you talk back!"with that Mistress Gusino slapped Aria across her cheek. Tears sprung to her eyes and her cheeks were burning. Mistress Gusino sniffed and looked at her distastefully and dismissed her with a wave of her hand. Aria ran out of the room, up the narrow stairs and into the small room she shared with her brother. Aria and her brother were so close its almost as if they could read each others thoughts so as Aria rushed in, Dante knew something had happened.

"W-w-we have to leave!"she said, her cheek flaming red and eyes glassy from holding back tears.

"woah, fragola, we need a plan not just a rash decision"he walked around, hugging her to calm her down.

"your right.We cant'just run out like maniacs."she said, taking deep breaths.

"So if you want to leave so badly right now, where woud you go?"Dante asked

"I dont know, but we have to get away!"aria sobbed.

"Why do we need to get away so badly? I mean, I know she hit you and I know you're upset but is it that necessary t run out inot the streets where we could end up in the workhouse or worse. She does thus all the time, no need to throw a dramatic fit."Dante calmly explained.

Ëxactly! She does this all the time. Why do we sit and wait like sitting ducks till she eventually decides to kick us out. We should leave and I've thought of where we should go..."her eyes twinkled as she announced "Italy!"

Dante gaped at her"and how do you suppose we'll get there?'

Here, Aia sat down on the sngle bench they had and thought hard about it "Dabte, we should try and fint out when there's a boat for Italy leaving. Then we put MIstress Gusino in a good mood and sneak out to the boat! wholah!"she said, proudly.

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