17: This Is Getting Out Of Hand...

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Yo! So, just so you know, I fixed the video issues that were going on with those villain Deku voice lines, so if you couldn't watch it before, you should be able to now. Hope you like this!


Midoriyas soul seemed to have left his body as he let out a high-pitched cry. That was the only thing he could do at the moment. This couldn't really be happening, right? He had to have passed out from the nerves, and was dreaming, right? As Midoriya was going through the 5 stages of grief in the span of 10 seconds, Monoma seemed completely unfazed. He didn't even flinch and stayed in the same pose (still in his 3 musketeers outfit might I add).

"Yes!" He continued, not giving the poor boy any time to process. "Surprising isn't it?! Even though I before only saw you as a tiny speck that I could blow away just by walking by," Midoriya sweatdropped. What an analogy. "I now see that you have some potential! Your speech in the lunchroom was something that can only be compared to, you guessed it, ME! And I know that you must be extremely honored to be the one and only 1A student that I acknowledge, but don't let it get to your head! You and all of your other classmates are still infinitely inferior to class 1B, but you are just slightly less so! Just know that with every move I make, you should be striving to do even half as good! I look forward to our next meeting, Izuku Midoriya. Be prepared!"

Midoriya was as stiff as a board. He slowly turned his head to watch Monoma stride away past him, back into the lunchroom with a wide smirk on his face.

He was still stood there when his friends joined him a few moments later.

"Did you..." He began with a finger pointing to where Monoma just left.

"Catch that? Yeah. I'd be surprised if the whole cafeteria didn't hear." Shinsou finished. His face was as blank as always but he seemed slightly amused.

"Did he learn absolutely nothing from yesterday?" Uraraka asked, genuine confusion in her voice. "Like, nothing?"

"Why do blondes always want to compete with you Midoriya?" Todoroki questioned, actually puzzled. "Do blondes... not like green-haired people?"

While Todoroki pondered on that for much longer than he should, Iida's hand chopping in front of Deku's face brought the greenette out of his daze.

"I sincerely hope that this rivalry does not take the same course as your previous one, Mr. House Arrest!" Iida announced sternly, bringing back his only nickname just to get the point across.

Midoriya sighed exasperatedly with his shoulder slumped in defeat.. "I've already learned my lesson, Iida..."

"Well of all the people you could have had as rival's Midoriya, ribbit, you sure drew the short straws." Tsuyu stated flatly.

He sighed again. "Thanks, for that Tsu."

Uraraka laughed nervously and waved her hands to disperse the mood. "W-well, we don't see him that often, so hopefully he won't get the chance to challenge you as your 'rival' anytime soon." She tried to reassure, and it worked, mostly. Oh, how wrong she was...


The short remainder of the lunch period went off pretty much without a hitch. They had already finished their food, so they just sat at their table and talked. Almost the whole time, Midoriya was sneaking glances over his shoulder in the direction of class 1B's section of the cafeteria. He kept worrying that Monoma was going to appear out of nowhere and challenge him to a duel or something.

Once the bell rang, Shinsou had to part ways to join his classmates, and after a reluctant goodbye from Midoriya the rest met up with their group to go back to class.

A Fake Villain?!- A short BNHA storyWhere stories live. Discover now