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No, ATLA is not here, I just like the pic, could be better with Suki in it ofc

Name: Izuku Midoriya


Quirk: (After dying) GhostUser can go through objects at will, it is also permanent but user can make a part of their body solid if they want, permanent flight is also given, mild telekinesis with invisibility for a few minutes

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Quirk: (After dying) Ghost
User can go through objects at will, it is also permanent but user can make a part of their body solid if they want, permanent flight is also given, mild telekinesis with invisibility for a few minutes. User never gets tired. Can make someone go through objects and give them flight with it for 3 minutes if User touches them. User can talk with dead people if wanted. Time limit for anything like making body solid or going invisible can be increased via training. Body will also grow gradually and stop at their prime of everything, User is immortal, super-healing if solid parts gets hurt and then user shifts the damaged part into default mode where everything passes through

Drawbacks: User can't touch anything without proper training, even after intense training for years, User can only make his/her/their hands (From palm and fingers to shoulders) solid at a time, User can't excrete anything like tears and sweat so you get the idea, User never gets tired or feels anything (physical). User gets a laid back attitude

Personality (Before): Cheerful, Happy, Wanting to save people, admires heroes especially All Might, has a crush on Bakugo

(After): Doesn't give a sh¡t about anything other than money and his real friends, hates fake heroes and villains without a cause alike

Favourites/ Likes: ERI and UTANO, Relaxing, Kittens, Relaxing, Sleep, Relaxing, Puppies, Relaxing (You get the idea) Kacchan (Before a certain event), Hinaka, Benjiro, Erza (later), Haunting people, Fire

Hates: Work, Food, Katsuki Bakugo (After a certain event) Overhaul, Mineta, bullies and perverts in general, Sh!ts to give

Love interest: Can't give a sh¡t but develops a crush and dates Erza gradually

Extra: His mother died of heart attack after she found out Izuku 'Died' and his dad Hisashi Midoriya, moved out to a new start and family like his son just didn't die. So he lives in his apartment. Once a couple came in when Izuku had just started to change things, He makes things seems like their house was haunted so no one lives here or wishes to. He makes his hair solid, cuts the hair, makes Hinaka knit the hair into a cloth type form and then gives the cloth to a tailor to make clothes out of, sometimes he gives them to Hinaka since she loves making clothes, his neighbour found out about Izuku and now she comes and visits almost everyday (Ps. I'm talking about Utano). Lastly, he has a friend who is a male and wants to be with Hinaka but... Find out for yourself

Hero/ Vigilante name: The undead: Reap

Name: Benjiro Yadachi


Quirk: CloudUser can manipulate or generate clouds, with proper training, user can even generate thunder or rain clouds

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Quirk: Cloud
User can manipulate or generate clouds, with proper training, user can even generate thunder or rain clouds

Drawback: User's own hydration turns to clouds leaving them dehydrated, rain clouds need more and thunder clouds need the most water, advised for the user to carry a bottle of water of around 1-2 litres as a thunder cloud of the size of PS4 takes up half a litre, rainy could and a normal Ride-able cloud takes up 100 millilitre of the same size and a normal cloud (Non-ride-able) takes up 50 millilitres

Likes, Dislikes, Hero name: N/A

Personality: Stoic, doesn't depend on anyone else and does his own work, admires Izuku and Hinaka, plays with Utano whenever she comes to visit

Love interest: Hinaka Koyabashi

Extra: Ben is a bit stuck-up but not as much as Iida

Name: Hinaka Koyabashi


Quirk: TailorUser can create any flexible substance into cloth but the properties of the previous substance exist, They/She/He can also make clothes faster than a normal tailor

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Quirk: Tailor
User can create any flexible substance into cloth but the properties of the previous substance exist, They/She/He can also make clothes faster than a normal tailor

Drawbacks: User will feel tired after making one pair of clothes, they (I can't always write he she they so ik just writing this) need 7 hours if sleep after making one pair which takes an hour so it I preferable to make clothes at night

Personality: Clingy towards people she likes, likes to tease her closest friend (Izuku)

Likes, Dislikes and Hero name: N/A, I'm lazy, she's not a hero

Extra: She used to live with her adoptive parents but they didn't like her after she grew up and neither did she, she was in Aldera junior high and was made fun of due to such a 'useless' quirk, her only best friend was Izuku but she couldn't protect him, she tried her best though

Love interest: Asexual (For lazy people who don't wanna search on Google and don't know what Asexual means: Doesn't want to have a relationship with anyone

Name: Utano Uraraka

Quirk: NekoSelf-explanatory

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Quirk: Neko

Drawbacks: Needs a lot of milk, Ears are sensitive so even a small cut would feel like someone cut your ear off, sleeps more than usual, turns into cat if too much energy in consumed or sick

Personality: Cute.... That's it

Likes and Dislikes: N/A cause I'm lazy

Love interest: Ewww, Go away she's just a child!!

(No offense)

Extra: She wears a special hat that covers her ears, she also gets a sedative so that her ears go numb and her pain tolerance is also very high in the ears due to the so many times the sedative was given so her drawback for that just got cancelled......

Hero name (Given by Izuku): Cat hero: Bakeneko


Also, Bakeneko is a mythical creature in Japan, it looks a lot like Nekomata but the major difference is that Nekomata has 2 tails while Bakeneko only has 1

And another thing, I'm gonna post a bit late from now because of some issues, sorry

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