Erza / First patrol

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Izuku POV

I was walkin-... floating on the side-walk, my appearance or name hadn't spread yet so I was clear. I unknowingly went through a girl and she shivered then looked at me weirdly, I looked back since I also felt tingly. I looked back to see a red head girl with brown slanty-eyes. She wore a blue skirt with a white top and a blue ribbon on it

 She wore a blue skirt with a white top and a blue ribbon on it

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(A/N. Sorry about the bad-quality, couldn't find another pic)

She looked at me and I said "Sorry, it's my quirk... It's not much" and I was about to leave when she called out to me "Hey, it's not exactly nice to not say your name to people. Mines Erza Scarlet" I looked back and sighed "Izuku Midoriya"

She smiled and asked "Wanna go for a walk? You look sad"

"This is my resting face and for all you know, I could be a killer or some rapist"

"Don't worry, I'm more than capable on my own"

I shrugged, I didn't have anything to do so I followed, I was floating and people were staring at me but I couldn't find myself having enough fu<k's to give. She went in a cafe and I followed her, she was going to keep the door open but I just went through it

She sat down and ordered a strawberry cake, I waved my hand to say I don't have anything, people eating always irritated me. She asked "So, what happened?" and I said my whole life story to her and she was angry, like a lot angry

She said while griping her spoon very hard "No one deserves that! What's his name?!" and I shrugged "I forgot"


"I forgot"


"But I did"

She sighed and said "Here's my number if you ever want to talk to someone" and I remembered it by heart since I couldn't carry it, I nodded and I was about to leave when I noticed a faint red on her cheeks OH god..... 

I went home and had Hana text for me


GhostlyGhost: Erza, was it?

RedHead: Yes! How are you?

GhostlyGhost: Good! What about you?

RedHead: I'm good too! You know, you seem different than when I met you

GhostlyGhost: OH really? Hehehe

RedHead: Anyway, are you planning on going to UA?

GhostlyGhost: No, wby?

RedHead: I think I'm gonna try for it

GhostlyGhost: Good luck!

RedHead: Thanks! Bye

GhostlyGhost: Np, bye!


I'm never gonna have Hana text for me ever again, Ben would be better, she never even asked what I should type, she didn't even let me snatch the phone, IT WAS MINE!!!

I started my first patrol at midnight, I looked around and then heard a scream of a girl, I went there to see a purple-haired girl with jacks on her ears topless. I was disgusted at the 30-year old man who was pinning her, I flew down and reached my hand near his heart and after he turned, I solidified my fist and crushed his heart

It would look like normal from the outside since I didn't leave a hole on his chest, I looked at the girl with a blank face and she almost screamed when I took his heart out of his mouth, I was dragging it through the systems

She ran away and I wrote 'Kacchan' with his blood on the wall beside him. I went away and patrolled more till I saw my target for this night 'The oragami hero; Sadako'. He had his quirk as paper manipulation

He was always in it for girls and then... did them, he would forget them later. He also didn't save almost 100 save-able people

So for all the girls, boys and fun, I'm gonna hunt him down today. I saw him, he wore a cloak in which he would store paper

Well, bad thing that I don't have a lighte- Oh looky here, there's a person smoking with a lighter, how so convenient. I took the lighter from him after turning invisble and then went out of sight and turned visible, I need some proper clothes for storing things

Hey wait a minute, Isn't my suit made of my hair? So basically I can make it solid, how so convenient. I flew down to him and triggered the lighter when it was in his cloak, the paper started burning and he turned back in shock and removed all the burnt papers. He took a stance with paper flowing around him and I rubbed my nose bridge in tiredness. I floated to him and he threw a lot of papers at me but I just went through all of them

I slapped him very hard while being transparent and made a shocked face he smirked and started to leave when I put my hand through his chest and solidified it

I smiled and he turned back just when I crushed his heart. I took it out of his mouth and was going to make it my signature move. I dragged him to a near alley and dropped him then wrote with his blood 'Kacchan'

And yawned then left him be. The next day when I opened a channel, I saw a news reporter saying "Last night Musutafu witnessed 2 murders, the people were killed brutally and it seems that their heart was crushed and then dragged up and out of their mouth, one person was a hero and he was seemingly dragged, the wall he lied upon had words written in blood saying 'Kacchan'. Another person was a rapist who was just about to molest a purple haired girl name Kyoka Jiro but the vigilante villain arrived on the scene and wrote in blood 'Kacchan', the vigilante villain is now dubbed Kacchan since he always writes this on the walls. Authorities are doing everything they can to capture him so please do not worry. Kyoka Jiro is traumatised by the experience so we are not asking for her words on the person though she used the words 'It was too horrifying, I couldn't bare to watch it'. That's it for today, pl-"

And she was cut off with me closing the channel while I smiled

Words: 1053

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