45| Dead or Alive?

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Previous chapter question was expelliarmus-ly answered by AshAuthor75 and Gryffindorgirlginny! Contact me if you find my wand-


They watched as bright light shot out of Harry's wand and as it transformed into a beautiful stag, James couldn't feel prouder. Warmth embraced him; some of it detracting his pain. Hermione had awe written on her face but she then, turned and walked away. James laid there, his eyes transfixed on the stag.

It galloped silently away from Harry, across the black surface of the lake. The stag lowered its head and charged at the swarming dementors... It galloping around and around the black shapes on the ground, and the dementors fell back, scattering, retreating into the darkness... Soon, they were gone.

The Patronus turned. It cantered back toward Harry across the still surface of the water. It shined brightly as the moon above...

It stopped on the bank. Its hooves made no mark on the soft ground as it stared at Harry with its large, silver eyes. Slowly, it bowed its antlered head.

"Prongs," Harry whispered. James managed a smile through the fog of pain. His eyesight was growing dimmer and redder.

But as Harry's trembling fingertips stretched toward the creature, it vanished.

Harry stood there, hand still outstretched.

They heard hooves behind them. Harry whirled around saw Hermione dashing toward him, dragging Buckbeak behind her.

"What did you do?" she said fiercely. "Bad things happen to wizards who mess with time travel."

"I know, and I just saved all our lives . . . ," said Harry. "Haven't you been listening? I saw me but I thought I was my dad! It's okay! Dad! Did you see th-"

Harry's words stopped in this throat for there laid James, unconscious with his eyes closed, withering in pain.



He couldn't feel anything. Nothing hurt anymore. He couldn't see nor hear anything either. He couldn't remember who he was or what he was or where he was. All he remembered was a beautiful stag that shimmered in the moonlight. But what did it mean?

Suddenly, as though a switch had been turned on, life surged into him. Cold. Sharp. Painful. His muscles burned.

"Open - eyes!"

Someone was screaming. Ow! And slapping him across the face.


He wanted to oblige. He really did but... he couldn't remember how to. But then, a face came into focus. A thin face. Black hair like himself. Bright-green eyes. And a scar of his... or her forehead. James knew those ey-

Who was James?

The boy was screaming and yelling at him, telling him to do something. Open his eyes. James had already done that. What now?

His vision tumbled and he began closing his eyes when suddenly, WHACK! Another slap to his face. Ugh! James was going to assassinate this boy when he woke up... But was he going to wake up?

"Dad! Keep your - open!" The boy kept yelling. Something about this hit a chord and James nodded slightly. Harry - how did he know that? - kept speaking. "Good... good." The wind seemed to kiss James' skin. They were in the sky, he realized. The thought made James giggle. Nothing mattered anymore. But... but the boy. Harry did.

"Talk - him, Harry!" A feminine voice spoke from... somewhere.

"Yes - I... I can - that," Harry nodded. He turned to James, nervousness flooding him.

"You're doing - great job," The boy forged on with a sad smile. James wanted to make this boy smile - but not the sad one he had at the nonce. The boy, as though remembering something, brightened up and continued talking.

"Hey, hey - when I was in - year. I- I saw a mir - that showed your - desires. You know - I saw?"

Yes, James wanted to know. But most importantly, he wanted sleep. He could feel his eyelids growing heavy. Fresh pain and anguish rose from within. But James couldn't leave Harry alone. He also knew that once his eyes closed, he wouldn't be able to open them. He tried to focus on his listening.

Harry appeared to be lost in his own world as he said, "I saw you, dad. I - mum, and you, and me, and we were - together..." His voice cracked. "You made - me happy... Very, very happy..." James' face felt like a wet weekend. Harry nodded slightly. "I am the happiest person - this whole, entire world."

James heard someone in front of them break into sobs. Harry broke down into his own tears. He spoke slowly allowing James to catch on to every word, "I am the happiest person and- and don't take that from me..." Harry sobbed, unable to speak further. "Don't... I can't- I- No-"

James trembled. He had been for the past few minutes. But at last, tiredness took over. He was sweating. James gave Harry a sly smile. He didn't return it; in fact, he cried, trying to shake his best friend and father up. And this continued long after oblivion had swallowed James whole.


Who killed James?

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