𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 O1

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❝ᴘᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ❞

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ᴘᴀɪɴᴛɪɴɢ ʜᴇʀ❞

• song : liquid smooth

• warnings : nudity

• word count : 900

you arrived at art school ready for the day

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you arrived at art school ready for the day. as you walked to your first class you saw that only two people were in the room

"hi? I'm here for life drawing class"

"oh yes lovely come in! everyone else has gone with their models, you're the last one here"

you see a girl with long black hair and grey eyes smile at you, you smile back, she's really pretty, is she the model?

"your colour is red, here!" the professor hands the girl a red silk

"little miss here will be modeling with the silk and you will sketch, then paint it!"

"alright" you smiled

the professor leans to the model and whispers something, she leaves and then the professor turns to you.

"she's getting ready now, wait outside of room 503 until she tells you to come in" they smile

you walk over to the room and await for her voice.

"I'm ready" you heard faintly

you knocked before going in

"I'm coming in now" you opened the door

there she sat nude on a stool with a red silk infront of her.

you cleared your throat as you sat on a chair with a canvas infront of it

you didn't realise she'd only be posing posing with the silk

you stared as you saw the sun shining on her face, making her squint. she looked at you

"what pose would you like?"

"I don't know how to explain it" you laughed nervously

"then come here" she waved you over

you complied. you stood infront of her

"can I position your hands?"

she nodded. you grabbed her wrists and put them above her

"you forgot about the fabric" she laughed

you blushed and grabbed the silk. placing it over her shoulder and draping along her body, just about covering her nipples and womanhood.

you lifted her chin with your fingers, then grabbed her head, moving it so it looked how you desired. you saw she was watching you the whole time.

you pouted as you moved her hair behind her back and stepped back

"not quite" you whispered

you grabbed her hair once more, face inches away from yours. whilst placing the hair over one shoulder you felt your eyes rest on her lips for a second

"perfect, thankyou erh-"


"miss ackerman" you smiled as you sat back down and sketched her beautiful body.

you went onto painting, capturing her black hair and grey eyes contrasting against the deep red along her chest.

"I'm done" you smiled

the girl looked at you and giggled at your smile before waving you over once more.

you stood up, confused, and walked over to her. she wrapped you in the silk and pulled you into her

"is it okay if I take a few pictures? my manager wants me to and I think it'd be good to do it with the artist"

"yeah that's fine"

"is it okay if you get undressed too? you know, it looks abit weird and all with me naked and you fully clothed"

"uh yeah-" what the fuck? how can I get naked infront of this fucking mega hot babe??

"you can stay in your underwear if you'd rather, I'm sure we can cover them up with poses and camera angles. you're not a model after all"

"thankyou, I'd rather that" you chuckled.

"you can get undressed while I call my camera man" she smiles softly

you nod.

deep in her call you slip off your top and trousers, revealing your panties and bra.

once she turned around to see you she froze for a second before dragging you back to the stool in the center of the room.


the camera man arrived and was now ordering you how to pose.

"okay l/n, sit on the stool body facing your right and ackerman straddle their lap with your arms slung around their shoulder."

you sat down on the stool as the girl sat on your lap and pressed her body against yours. your eyes widened when a pair of breasts were right infront of you

"now y/n look to the camera and hold her"

you quickly moved your head away and towards the camera as asked, holding her in your arms

"ackerman wrap you both in the silk and look to the camera after"

she did as told, her cheek now resting on your forehead.

the camera man took a few pictures then-

"okay now look at eachother"

you gained eye contact and time froze.

both of your faces slowly leaned close


the cameraman was going mad

it was only until your noses touched that you realised what was happening in that moment

your lips were millimetres away from eachother, your eyes connected

she closed her eyes but stayed still


the girl slides away from you and goes to drink water

the camera man runs to you and hands you his card.

"I would love to take more pictures of you, especially with ackerman"

you smile sheepishly and nod, grabbing his business card.

"when you call just say that you're l/n"

you nod again as you walk over to your clothes and put them on

"goodbye l/n, I'll see you around" she patted your shoulder as she walked out of the room

you watched as she dissappeared into the hallway- never to be seen again

◆𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒 ; 𝐦𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐚 𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧Where stories live. Discover now