𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 O7

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❝ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴍᴀꜱꜱᴇᴜꜱᴇ❞

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ꜱᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ ᴍᴀꜱꜱᴇᴜꜱᴇ❞

• song : chaise longue

• warnings : nothin rlly

• word count : 800+

• word count : 800+

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"i just told you- i left"


"uuughhhh. you don't have to tell me that i already know sasha"


"sasha please stop shouting" you facepalmed remembering your idiocy

she sighs "need i remind you that YOU were the one who made a move first back in highschool"

"i know! i don't know what happened- this girl has got me stumped"

"geez y/n what am i gonna do with you, w-"

"oh shit I'm getting another call through, sorry sash- I'll call you back"

"don't worry I'll come round later, byee"

you said your goodbyes and answered the next call


"hello miss l/n, this is miss ackermans manager- ackerman has a shoot today and the photographer has requested a second model last minute. my partner recommend you as a candidate, would you be able to do it?"

"i have a short class soon, so it depends on when it is"

"ah yes, it would be later- the starting time would be 8pm. also, my apologies for not introducing myself properly- I'm bellamy zoe"

"i am free for the shoot then mr bellamy" you smiled

"splendid! you will get paid ofcourse miss l/n just arrive as is, you will get ready on sight. i will get ackerman to send you the details"

• • •

you yawned as you walked out of your singular class with your large art folder in your arms, as well as your bag filled with your supplies weighing on your shoudler.

you made your way home to shower quickly before making your way to the location of the unknown shoot.

"miss l/n! I'm so glad you are here! follow me"

"is hanji the photographer today?" you asked

"no, today is her free day. she's just waiting at a cafe nearby and might pop round for inspiration as he calls it"

you smiled and nodded at that before following bellamy into a room filled with dresses, wedding dresses

"oh wow" you gasped at all of the gowns, from white to blush pink and even a few black dresses were seen in the collection.

"i know right. the designer for the dresses will also be here, they will pick out the dresses for you to wear" they smiled

"the designer has also asked for no makeup for this so you can just relax until they arrive"

"thankyou bellamy" you bowed as she left you in the room of countless gowns.

• • •

you met the designer whose name was pieck finger, she picked out a dress for you and mikasa and left you to change.

you were putting on the dress and was about to close the back when you felt pain radiate in your shoulder, stopping you from doing so.

"mikasa?" you spoke up hesitantly

"yes?" she called from the other side of the curtain

"my shoulder hurts so i can't reach the back, could you zip it up for me?"

your response was the curtain opening as mikasa stepped in wearing her gown already

your mouth dropped as you looked at her through the mirror, watching her get closer to you as she eyed your back

one hand was placed softly against your waist as she zipped the dress with the other, slightly trailing her fingers on the bare skin of your back

you shuddered at the feeling and bit your lip, closing you eyes to ground yourself.

her hands stayed put as she put her chin on your shoulder. you hissed at the painful contact and she backed away

she smiled before making eye contact through the mirror

"you look beautiful" she carefully placed her hands back on your waist before placing her chin on the other shoulder.

"you too" you whispered as she left a soft kiss on the side of your neck

she held your hand before dragging you out of the room

"time to be brides"

• • •

you yawned for the nth time today after shooting until midnight.

you got out of the dress, somehow getting it off without help before changing back into your regular clothes.

you carefully hung the dress back up before sitting on a chair in the dressing room

"y/n" mikasa neared you from behind


she carefully placed her hand on your shoulders before massaging them lightly

"what happened to your shoulder?"

you tried to concentrate as her fingers released the knotted muscles

"artist things"

"mhm... tell me more" she spoked soothingly

"my bag of supplies is really heavy is all... but i guess i have been forgetting to clean it out recently"

"you should do that, wouldn't want getting hurt too badly" she chuckled

you hummed as she continued giving you a massage

"you're really good at massages. are you a masseuse in secret?"

"not exactly, i guess you could just say I'm good with my fingers- i mean hands"

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