Part 1

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Pov third person

Minerva was on her way to godrics hallow. It had been a long time since she had been to the grave of Lily and James. As soon as she arrived she heard an explosion. She rushed to the graveyard and couldn't believe what she saw. The grave of Lily Potter was destroyed but even more bizarre Lily Potter sat next to her grave. I must be sleeping, thought Minerva. 'professor?' she heard someone saying. 'Who are you?' she screamed. 'I-I'm Lily professor you know me' the woman said. 'Lily Potter died 12 years ago, I'll ask you one more time who are you really?' Minerva said. But before "Lily" could answer there was another explosion. This time it was from James Potters grave. 'Lily, is that you?' someone asked. And again before Lily could answer Minerva screamed, 'merlin's beard what is going on here, who are you' 'Minnie you know me, I'm James remember' James said. 'No, no this isn't possible you two died 12 years ago you- but she was interrupted by Lily, 'oh my god where is harry, James, I'm sorry he is probably dead I'm sorry I couldn't protect him' she then began to cry. James pulled Lily into a hug but couldn't help it to shed a few tears himself. 'Uhm uhm, I'm sorry to interrupt but Harry is alive and well' Minerva said. 'How about you two come with me to Dumbledore?' They apparated to Hogsmeade and walked to Hogwarts, all in their own thoughts. 'Sherbet Lemon' Minerva said. 'Come in, hello Minerva what can I do for you today?' 'Good evening Albus, so I kind of have situation. I was on my way to Lily and James' grave-

Pov Lily Potter

We heard professor McGonagall talk to Dumbledore. I wonder what harry looks like, how he is, what his friends are, love interest. I can't believe we missed 12 years of his live, the last thing I remember is that we had a 1 year old son and we couldn't be happier. But then apparently we died? 'James?' 'Hmm' 'How are we alive I heard you fall to the ground and I also saw a green light before falling to the ground, what is happening?' 'I don't know love, I don't know' he said. 'Lily, James can you come in?' we walked in and saw Dumbledore sitting behind his desk. 'Good evening, may I ask who you are?' 'Lily and James Potter professor', James answered. 'Well well, if you are really James and Lily you wouldn't mind taking veritaserum would you?' Dumbledore asked. 'Not at all' I said. I walked towards Dumbledore and he gave me a small bottle I drank it and he started to ask me questions.

What is your name?

Lily Jolene Potter née Evans

What is your birthday?

30th of January 1960

Who are you married to?

James Fleamont Potter

Do you have a son, if so what is his name?

Yes we do, his name is Harry James Potter

Dumbledore moved to James and gave him the same small bottle he gave me, and James also drank it. and of course Dumbledore started to ask James questions to.

What is your name?

James Fleamont Potter

Who are you married to?

Lily Jolene Potter

What is your Animagus form?

James first looked surprised Dumbledore knew but then answered Stag

Do you have a son?

Yes, Harry James Potter

I look in the direction of McGonagall and she was tearing up. 'James, Lily it's really you.' 'Of course it's us Minnie who do you thought I was? Lestrange?' 'Professor can we see Harry now you know that it is really us?' I asked. 'I'm afraid that's not possible miss Evans.' 'Its Potter now and why not? We litterly proved ourselves, he is our god damn son! He missed us 12 years of his live, and now we're back and we have to wait? No way I'm doing that you tell me right now where he lives and we're taking him away from there to live with us, no discussion.' Dumbledore who forgot about Lily's temper and knew it would be pointless to discuss gave in and told them they could meet Harry. 'Minerva will you please go get Harry' Dumbledore asked. and while professor McGonagall was getting Harry we waited anxiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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