
30 1 0

[ ]-though

" "-speak



[I am falling...]

[Umm... Let's just sleep..]




(Angst & Curse Warning!)


"Ack!" The little boy coughs a mouthful of black blood a couple of times. His eyes are shaking as he looked at the wooden floor, confused. Without any warning, another kick lands on his small body and making the previous wound hurt even more.

"Useless! Shit!" The man keeps kicking and the lady behind him, watching the man's actions while fanning herself. Anybody could able to know behind that fucking fan, she totally is smiling happily because the child got beaten up. "Fucking! Brat!"

At that moment, the door opened by some kinda middle-aged man with a typical formal butler suit. "Master, Mistress, they have arrived"

"Husband, let us leave that 'thing' for now. We could come again later..." A disgusting seduces-like voice and an evil smirk got on her face barely got into his sense. It feels like you're in the washing machine.

"Huh! I'll finish it later!" He steps back, looking down at the seriously injured young boy. "As a 'disgrace' in my household, make sure to take care of your attitude!" Their loud steps fill the room. "Curse beings should act like the curse one." As they step outside, the butler takes a silent glance towards the motionless child before he closes the door without hesitation.




"Cough! cough!" He slowly tried to lean on the wall and examine his particularly messy, bloody shirt

[Its taste bitter and kind of iron-ny...] Now he could take a good survey at this room. There's a single bed on top of it got a brownish pillow and an old, thin, and raged blanket. On his left, a small window, locked and full of dust is there and it's so thick that he could actually use it as make-up for that fucking mistress. Even if the window is not locked, it's so small that will not even fit his small body.

Under it's a little desk and chair organized decently but clearly looks like nobody touch it for decades. And the wooden floor...well there's covered by blood, both old and new fresh blood also there is few slashes and here and there may because of some types of weapons? And of course, he knew it was from his blood as this is his body now.

[...This is just like a haunted house]

[And aren't I dead...]


He then takes a look at his tiny hands and feet as he struggles to move them because of the previous treatment towards him. Every inch of his body hurts like hell when he tried to move it.

[Am I four... or five?]


"I'm gonna think about it later... let's get out from this place first" He slowly but steadily gets up on his feet at the same time using the wall as a support to prevent himself from falling.

"I'm tired...I want my sleep..." After he tip-toeing to open the door, there's a narrow hallway without any lights, it looks like endless darkness ahead of him. "What an unfortunate child..." Currently, he keeps steadying himself and fully relying on all of his senses.

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