2- Confusion

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<little one pov>
"Mmm..." I slowly tried to open my eyes, adjusting to the brightness around me. After a minute or two, I eventually got a clear view of my surroundings and sluggishly takes a sit with my legs swaying on the bed corner, didn't reach the floor. Well, it takes more than a minute to exactly sitting, it still hurts even if I move an inch. [Having this small body feels weird...]

[Let's organize our thought again.] Lazily I wrapped myself using the think blanket from the mysterious room back there. [I died and reincarnated here with my previous life memories.]

[Strangely, it's not completely all of it. I didn't remember any of my personal information. Name. Age. Family, etc. I only have my knowledge and my unique nature with me though. My listlessness. Glad it stays the same, I want my nights of sleep back.] I fall on my side land on the not so soft hospital-like bed, snuggling and searching for my comfort.

[This child too... he got beaten every day and they only give him eats innutritious diet. Also, this original body owner has an impressive desire to survive more than I speculate. Well, I received his memories and it will not be infecting me in anyways.]





I flinched by the sound loud bang of someone aggressively opening the door.

"I came here right after I have done my task!!" The excited male with sparkling golden eyes and short wavy shining red velvet hair-colored skipping and giggling moved toward me. "At last you awake little one! I was waiting for centuries!"

"...Who are you?" My voice is a little bit low maybe cause I haven't spoken for a long time.

"Wait.." Suddenly he picks me up making me flinch for the second time by this guy. "Alright, Let's go-" Hearing that, I hastily tug his shirt to stop him. "What's wrong little one?" His cheerful and bright smile decorates his face. I really need my sunglasses every time I see this from now on.


"You want to take the blanket with you too?" I nodded. "Okay!" He put the blanket on my body but after that, he wrapped me around like a burrito, it feels comfortable so I forgive you now. "Now off we go!"




"Umm...Where are we going?" I only took a couple of glances around me. There are too many people around us, it looks like they are camping beside their tent and also I never knew a tent would be this big. It's looking more like a small house now.

"We're going to meet my father."

"I'm curious but..." Feeling everyone stare at me, I buried my face into the man's shoulder. "...I'll ask it later."

"Humm... Okay, I'm sure father will explain everything to you." He gently caresses my hair not knowing it makes me feel sleepy.



<Third person pov>

"Your Majesty, may I come in?"

"Come in" Focusing on the paperwork, the sounds of the tent door opened barely get into the emperor's ears.

"I came with the child, Your Majesty" Alexander takes a look at the sleeping child at the male's arm.

"Didn't I tell you to wait until he woke up."

"He's already awake but he falls asleep on our way here!" He feels betrayed, bawling annoyingly. His voice makes the child open his eyes drowsy. "I'm sorry, little one" The child slightly shake his head expressing that he didn't mind it. It was his fault in the first place, sleeping went the person bought him somewhere. "All right then! Meet my father, His Majesty, Emperor Alexander."

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