3- Wondering

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<Medic's tent, 5:27 p.m.>
"Little one, I'll come back tomorrow, all right..." Rayyan slowly put the bundled blanket with little one warped securely in it gently on the bed.

"Umm... Okay." The sleepyhead takes a glance at the prince before closing his eyes back, wanting to get sleep back.

"You must me really tried huh... after going around the full day with me?"

"Mnn..." [Not really... I just want to sleep...]

"Alright, get some rest. I'll take my leave then."


Rayyan makes his way out to continue his duty. He takes a couple of minutes away from work just to send little one on his bed and after that... "Make sure to keep him safe."

"As your command, your highness."





<3:54 in the morning>

It should be a peaceful night but unfortunately for the little one it's not cause author say so. Because of the high stimulations from them, he's really on high alert and slowly gets off the bed. His body still hurting but it's bearable.... for a couple of minutes maybe.

"But still I want my blanket thou..." He could not bring his 'dearest' blanket because it's pure white, big, and more important things they're fluffy. It totally will attract anyone's attention in this early morning.

Asking the guards' help also wouldn't help him to much and mages couldn't even detect them if they try. He needs to find someone with the strongest mana user quickly. But the most important things cherry on top is...again his blanket.

"Let me just..." He takes his blanket and suddenly it's changing into 45 inches by 60 inches, thin and black blanket... it looks like a crib blanket for him but that's fine and also he realizes one not so important knowledge. "Ancient artifact..."

He jolted, blankly looking at the tent wall, swiftly warp himself with the new looked blanket and run through the tent door. His eyes also turn into glowing Lapis Lazuli gems, searching for anyone with the brightest and densest mana surrounding them, the more the better.





"Haaa..Haa..Eughh.." He clutches his blanket tightly, trying to ignore each of the throbbing steps he does. Every breath he takes has started to hurt his lungs long ago.

He already located the said person, it's a little bit far from the medic's tent and this person is constantly moving. Then, he could see an ancient-looking ruin well it's ancient but whatever, and this person was inside.





"Who is that..?"

"Eughh...Haa.." In the corner of his eyes, he saw the little boy, the one he picks up from the enemy territories a couple of days ago but this boy is not supposed to be here at this hour

"What are you doing here?" He frowns, steps closer to the little one.


"Slowly...Take a breath." He takes the little one in his arms, rubbing his little back softly.

"Your Majesty,..." [...I didn't expect you're the strongest. Huhhh...] "I'm sorry to disturb you but can give your mana to me?"

[...'Give' not 'transfer'] Alexander silently looked at the child before making an orb of red fire on his gloved hand.

"Stronger and denser...please."

"...Alright." The one he already makes is the strongest but the child needs more than that, Alexander could be able to do it as he is the only one in the Empire and may be the only one who will able to do it.

The previously red orb burns into the small blue fire with a hissing sound coming out from it, though it's still a mystery how the sound was produced, but the child was clearly able to hear it without any problem.

"Excuse me." Alexander again silently watches, the child takes out three silver needle as his eyes glow back into Lapis Lazuli's gems. The originally blue fire on Alexander's hand also became chaotic with a stipe of white mix in it.

"ℭ𝔬𝔪𝔢." The child's soft whispering was just exactly like a command as the now white-blue fire come directly at him and seep into the needle.



"𝔎𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪." He throws the needles at his 12 and it's going straight into their chest. The fire runs into their body making them feel like hell.

**(Well actually I don't exactly know how to describe them but it's 's just like you have goosebumps and it was firely feeling and it slipped right through your mind... something like that?)

After a couple of seconds, he could hear the enemy cry from afar and slowly became quiet. The only proof that they have been killed already.






Slowly, the child's eyes get dimmer and the gems on his eyes completely change into a normal icy blue back. "I'm sorry."

"What are you apologizing for?"

"..." [For using your mana...maybe? And disturbing you in this fucking early morning?]

"Haaa... Let's get you to the healer first. Your feet are bleeding." Alexander walked out of the ancient ruin building with the child.


"You didn't realize you're bleeding, aren't you?"

"Mmn." No wonder it's hurts really bad when he runs before well, blame him in this situation. He grips a little bit of the Emperor's shirt before looking at his literally now tiny feet. [That looks really bad... Did I step into a glass or what?]

Alexander who feels the soft tugs on his shirt just lets it be and focus on the road ahead as he adjusts his hood and properly adjusts the child's blanket too.

The Lapis Lazuli gems on the child's eyes are still sticking in his mind. As an Emperor, he needs to know things that may harm his country but he also feels strangely calm and attracted to this child. [First things first. Let's do it with what we have for now...]






"What's happened." The crown prince, Rayyan immediately comes to medic camp as soon as he heard the news about the little one getting back with his father and injured. It's more irritating that he didn't know what going on when he obviously still awake at this time and failed to notice anything.

"Tell me every bit of it."

"Yes, your highness. We station in front of the medic's tent as your order. We check the mana flow every half an hour in 1 kilometre radius."

"Then how the fuck that you miss those assassins."

"We have no excuses for this... your highness."

"Train with Commander Douglas for a month."

"As your command!" All the five guards dismissed, leaving Rayyan alone.

[How did this happened in the camp... sighh. I need to secure the area more then.]




From A/N sincerely,
I'm sorry for the short chapter...but seriously it's harder to write when I didn't plan on how this novel plot gonna be....I underestimated the power of planning before doing something!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2023 ⏰

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