Chapter :2

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That day was about four years ago. I still remember it like it was yesterday. A lot has happened since then. I have lost so many people that I love and have cared for since that day. I miss not knowing what the world has become, crying without the thought of being strong for someone else, not knowing how to use a gun or kill anyone for goodness sakes! But I guess that day helped shape me into the person I am now, has made me stronger in the long run and has brought me to where I am today."
I dragged my feet against the jagged gravel below me as the sun blazed upon my scorching body. I had been walking for hours on end trying to find a place to restock my ammo supply. I had run out, trying to shoot off a whole herd of Biters after accidently shooting a bullet, getting startled by some raccoons rummaging around me in my sleep. I can be so paranoid sometimes. I guess in a world like this its normal to be paranoid, but I should be used to it by now... right? I had been walking down the same road in between a forest for way to long now. I decided to take a break and get some shade up in a tree. I corned off into the forest and searched the area for the best tree I could find." Perfect!" I said out loud as I laid my eyes on the perfect tree. I circled the tree looking for the lowest branch to hop onto. As I found it I lifted myself up off the ground and grasped my hands on the large branch. As I stood hanging there I finally used all my strength to pull myself up onto the branch and straddle myself over it. I quickly balanced myself out and carefully stood up and made my way from branch to branch up to the top of the tree. The view was magnificent. Sights like this is what helped me keep going in this world. Being able to be so high up you can see the whole other side of Atlanta helped me to relax and forget about the horrible place I live in has become. I feel like I'm on top of the world. As I scan my eyes across the area I notice a sudden group of people walking down that same gravel path as I had been. I decide to slide down the tree to a lower branch so I could get a closer look at the group. There was about a good five people there who seemed to be carrying a lot of supplies. I turn over my shoulder and unzipped my backpack. As I reach into my bag I pull out a pair of binoculars I had found about a week ago in an old, run down department store on a food run. I zip my bag back up, pull the binocular strap over my neck and begin looking through the lenses. As I get a closer look at the group I can start to see what the people look like. There was about three men in the group, one man with light brown hair who appeared to be in his early twenties, very scrawny with incredibly pale skin, another man with dark brown hair, had a thick scruffy beard, tan olive skin who seemed to be the leader as well as very tough and strong in his late thirties, and the last who was an older man with grey hair who looked like he was in his fifties with slightly wrinkled pale skin. The last two were females, one appeared to be about thirty with long blonde hair in a ponytail and bright peachy skin and the other who seemed around my age with , short black curly hair and dark chocolate skin. Each group member carried a belt with two small hand guns and what looked like four Utility knives. I had to say I was impressed with what I saw. Maybe I could role with them for the time being. I've been alone for so long it would be nice to have a group I could stick with. I put my binoculars safely back into my back pack and begun to climb down the tree. As I came to my last branch I jumped down with a thud that made the whole group turn my way. "Hey! Who's over there! Reveal yourself right now!" yelled the man who I assumed was the leader. I stepped out of the forest with my hands up in defense. I could see all their weapons pointed in my direction. "Its ok, I'm not dangerous" I say softly. "Drop your bag and show us all your weapons" he replies sternly. I follow the man's orders and slide my back pack off of my shoulders and drop it to the ground. Just as I'm about to unzip it and take out my weapons I am immediately interrupted by the sound of the scrawny man's voice say. "James she's just a kid, give her a break!" "It don't matter we need to treat her like everyone else Erin!" the guy who I now know was James argued. I could hear the defensiveness in his voice starting to show through. "Listen little girl, do you have a group or camp around here" he questioned. "No sir, I'm alone... I have been for the past two years .I don't have a camp either I usually just switch from place to place each night. It depends on where I end up that day" I reply. "So you're meaning to tell me... you have managed to survive all on your own without a group for the past two years? What are you twelve?" he says shooting me a stern glare. "Actually sir I am fourteen and all of what I have said is true, I can barely believe it myself to tell you the truth." I reply calmly. "Come on James, let's take her in she's just as old as hazel over here." Says the blond haired woman gesturing towards the young girl my age. James rolls his eyes and sighs. "Alright kid come on, you're with us- but if you cause any trouble towards the group or harm them in any way I'll kill you without a second thought, do you understand me?!" I nod my head quickly trying not to make any further communication. This man was not someone to mess with. As the group started to walk the blond haired woman came over to me and put out her hand. "Hi, im Jessica but you can call me Jess." She said grinning happily. "H... hi I'm Sharice" I say awkwardly. I shake her hand and attempt to smile confidently."Well hi there Sharice, this is Hazel, Erin, James and Gus, we are very glad to have you here with us." She replied grinning with that same bubbly smile. I look around the group to see everyone smiling and waving to me as we walked, except James.He simply rolled his eyes and scoffed at everything I said or did.It's only been a few minutes and someone in the group already hates me ... nice going Sharice. After about an hour of walking I realize I have no clue where we are headed. I walk up to Hazel and tap her on her shoulder. "So... Where are we planning to go?" I whisper. "We are going on a supply run, we need to restock our food and water supply." She replies whispering back. "Oh ok cool, by the you guys by any chance have any ammo with you, Im... kinda running low." "Sure, here one sec " "I believe this gun takes a 22 short." I say at a hush. I watch as hazel reaches into the small pouch on her weapon filled belt and pulls out four bolts of ammunition. "Thanks a lot" I say as she hands me the ammo. I unzip my bag, pull out my revolver hand gun and restock the ammo into the gun. "We really need to get you one of these belts" Hazel says giggling at her words as she watches me struggle putting my gun in and out of my back pack. "Yeah I think your right" I say joining in on the fun with a chuckle.

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