I love you. You don't even exist yet, but I do love you with all my heart and soul. I will raise you to become the best person you can be, but I will never, and I promise, never force you to become someone you are not.
I am not sure who your father will be. Hopefully we are madly in love, and that you came from that intense love. Hopefully we will be happily married with a nice house and a dog (i was going to say panda but i figured that a dog might be more convenient.
However, if he does not stick around - know that I will keep you. You are my children - and I love you. You know that. If he raped me, or he was a one night stand, or if he was a boyfriend who didn't want children - I will still keep you.
I will try my best to make sure your father is here for you though, unlike your Grandpa was for me.
I will make sure that you are loved, but not spoilt. You will have everything you want, but you will have a kind heart that will allow you give away what you do not need to people who do.
I can't and I won't force you to play instruments - but know that being able to create music is truly beautiful. It brings people together.
I will raise you to have a kind heart, and you will be compassionate, caring, strong, brave, and confident. I will not however, raise you to be cocky or arrogant.
You will never shame women, and you will never call them sluts or bitches. I am a proud feminist, and I hope you will be too. There is no need to go and stick your ass out there to get attention, because being classy and smart is enough.
Although I am not religious, you do not need to be like me. You will believe in whatever you want to believe in, as long as you feel happy.
Oh and you will be happy. I promise you, I will make sure you are happy. Because that's all I want for you.
I will raise you to know what is right from wrong. When you are asked to go get drunk and high, you will know not to.
But I can't stop you from doing what is wrong. But I will raise you to do what is right.
I am and will always be proud of you. Well, unless you do drugs or steal, or become a prostitute. Then I will not be proud. In fact, you will get in serious trouble.
But I still love you.
Forever and always, to the Sun and back.
Randomjust letters to people who may have made my life extra ordinary/ extraordinary. copyright © little-queen19. all rights reserved cover by little-queen19 (discontinued)