I'm here to say something

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First off,  I would like to apologize to all of you. I know I said I would update this and keep it flowing but honestly, I haven't gotten any new ideas. So I have decided to do something else. please read the part below this to get more information about it. If you don't really care then you can disregard this message. 

This was my first story, like ever. And not only is it my first one, but it's also my longest one. So when I look back and read what I have I cringe and think "Wow I let you guys actually read that???" Simply because I know that I can do so much better than what I have given you. So, you'll still see all the characters that you know and love, but it'll be easier to follow, and more enjoyable. The chapters will be longer and some of them will be combined because that makes it easy on me too. I hope that you all choose to stick around and follow the rest of the updates to the end and to the new beginning (Keep your eyes out for that completed mark because there'll be a surprise with that)

All of the thanks yous, and rankings, or the "Holy cow I can't believe this" moments will be listed in the same chapter and I promise that I won't bug you with a false update anymore! When the chapters become edited I will make the names for them either roman numerals or something that has to do with the chapter (Aka like they do now).

I'd like to say that if you need clarification or something explained then do be afraid to comment and I'll do my best to explain why I wrote what I did.

Oh, and just one more thing then I'm done I promise. Don't expect the edited chapters to be all cupcakes and rainbows that they are now okay?

Edit: I've unpublished the parts because the domt match the new lines that are in the first chapter. Please understand that they will come back, I hope you still enjoy the story for what is was and what it will be

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