Chapter II

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Over the next few days the team works on their skills, some better than others but overall, it looked good. There wasn't a whole lot for you to do so most times you sat and watched or napped. You rarely had homework so that wasn't a concern for you.

Today you were watching them practice. You turned your back for a second and heard a loud smack followed by a subtle "ow". It caught your attention and you were worried that someone might've gotten badly hurt.

"Who got hurt?"

"I missed the ball.."

Lev was red in the face from embarrassment and the ball hitting him. It took everything in you not to laugh. You took a breath in and had him sit on the bench while you got the first aid kit. When you came back his nose was bleeding a little.

"It really got you good, didn't it? Your nose is bleeding now Lev"

You handed him some tissues and he cleaned his face up.

"Okay, so to keep the swelling to a minimum I'm gonna put this bandage on. I'll be as gentle as I can okay?"

He nodded and closed his eyes. As you applied the bandage he flinched a little but was overall okay. He touched his nose some and found out that it does really hurt when you touch it.

"Ah yep, that hurts. Dang it"

"You'll be okay Lev, you can still play as well you just have to be careful alright?"

"Will do!"

Lev stood up excitedly and got back to practice. You let out a sigh with a little smile and put the kit away. A little bit more time passed and you called off practice. The boys cleaned up and all were ready to go in no time.

Yaku was waiting for you outside as you locked up all the doors. As you were coming out you changed your shoes and heard talking.

"When you go home make sure you put some ice on it and try not to touch it much. I don't think it's broken so it should be better in the next few days."

"Taking over my job huh? Since when did you like to give medical advice?" You walked over.

"I can't have the newbie get hurt and quit you know, he needs to stick around!"

You rolled your eyes and the three of you began to walk together. Quiet conversations took place as the walk carried on. But it wasn't long before that Lev had to turn down a street and go home. You and Yaku waved goodbye and then headed home yourselves. You hoped that Lev was going to be okay the next day and that his nose wouldn't hurt too bad.

Night came and went, nothing too exciting happened really. However, on the way into the schoolyard, it seemed quiet to you. Everyone was still in their groups, sports teams, art, music, etc. You sat down in your normal spot and took out a book, not much after steps were coming to you but you paid no mind to them.

"Hey (Y/n),"

"Yeah, what can I do for you?"

You put your book away and looked up to see Lev standing in his practice clothes.

"Kuroo was wondering where you were because you haven't shown up yet."

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