kagehina (yandere Kageyama)

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A/N: So before this begins this is an AU where Kageyama is a yandere and there will be deaths in here I won't tell you who dies but these are the  warnings ⚠️


It was a normal day at practice everyone was doing their own thing because practice was already over and everyone cleaned up their was only a few people still practicing and to everyone surprise it wasn't Hinata who was practicing

Kageyama looked around for Hinata and saw him walking out of the door Kageyama scrunched his nose up at that Hinata should have only stay with him and him only he doesn't need anyone else

Doing the only thing Kageyama could think of he decided to follow Hinata to wherever he was going and who he was going to meet Hinata didn't know Kageyama was following him

Kageyama followed Hinata all the way to a small cafe not to far from the school but a good distance of walking Kageyama watch Hinata walk into the cafe sitting down at a booth he saw another person in the booth with Hinata but he couldn't see thier face

Kageyama walked into the cafe sitting down in the booth in the corner holding the menu up to cover his face he still couldn't see other person's face but the way their body was built it looked like a male and it made Kageyama boil with rage

Hinata shouldn't hang out with other guys he should just hang out with Kageyama and that's it that's all Hinata needed Kageyama was all Hinata needed he didn't need anyone else but him

Kageyama hated seeing Hinata with other males why should he hang out with them Hinata didn't need anyone else but him Kageyama got a good look at the other males face and it was non other then kenma

Kageyama also hated kenma he was just to touchy with Hinata always hugging and cuddling he always was hanging out with Hinata having sleep overs and Kageyama hated it

K⃦i⃦l⃦l⃦  h⃦i⃦m⃦

H⃦e⃦'s⃦ s⃦t⃦e⃦a⃦l⃦i⃦n⃦g⃦ y⃦o⃦u⃦r⃦ s⃦e⃦n⃦o⃦i⃦a⃦

H⃦e⃦ n⃦e⃦e⃦d⃦s⃦ t⃦o⃦ g⃦o⃦

H⃦i⃦s⃦ i⃦n⃦ t⃦h⃦e⃦ w⃦a⃦y⃦ o⃦f⃦ s⃦e⃦n⃦o⃦i⃦a⃦s⃦ l⃦o⃦v⃦e⃦

G⃦e⃦t⃦ r⃦i⃦d⃦ o⃦f⃦ h⃦i⃦m⃦

With a frustrated sigh slamming the menu down Kageyama walked out of the cafe he made up his mind kenma had to go he had to get rid of kenma he was going to get rid of him forever so he couldn't stay in the way of his and Hinatas love

K⃦i⃦l⃦l⃦ e⃦v⃦e⃦r⃦y⃦o⃦n⃦e⃦ w⃦h⃦o⃦ g⃦e⃦t⃦s⃦ i⃦n⃦ y⃦o⃦u⃦r⃦ w⃦a⃦y⃦

"Don't worry Hinata I'll take care of him"

Sorry if it's short but do you guys want a part two to this? I was think yes but I have two different endings let me know how you guys would like it to end

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