Chapter 36

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(James POV)
So my wife Hadaza is nine months pregnant and can go into labor at any moment. Luckily her doctor approved her to have a home birth which took so much pressure off her and myself. I am at home working as usual while my wife is home as well working in the kitchen while autumn naps. "James." I hear my wife call from the kitchen. I get up and go to her and see her standing up and leaning on the counter. "You okay love?" I ask rushing to her and hold her. "Nope. Water just broke." She says looking at me. "Okay. I'll call Oliver and have him or Katy come and take Autumn to them. Come sit." I say helping her to a chair and set her down then go an call my brother and tell him about Hadaza then here him say that Katy will be here shortly to take autumn. After I ended the call I hear autumn wake up from her nap causing me to go and get her and get her stuff ready. "Alright baby girl you are going to uncle Oliver's house. Lets go say bye to mommy." I say grabbing her and the bag then make my way downstairs with her. Autumn holds me and nods snuggling into me. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen to see Katy with my wife. "Alright princess can you give mommy a hug and a kiss then you are going to go with aunt Katy." I say holding autumn. Autumn hugs her mom and kisses her then lets her aunt take her. "Bye baby girl mommy will see you soon." My wife says kissing her then watches her leave with Katy. Once Katy was gone I go to my wife and rub her back gently seeing her with her head on the table. "Love you okay?" I ask getting her attention. "Mmmmhhmmm." Is all she says not lifting her head. "Contraction I am guessing?" I ask seeing her hand clench. She just nods and breaths clenching her hand. I rub her back and hold her hand letting her go through it. "Your doing great love. Just breath." I say rubbing her back. She sighs and looks up at me moving some lose hair out of her face. "Want me to call your doctor?" I ask. "Yeah. Call your mom as well." She says nodding and looks at me. I go and call my mother first then her doctor who tells me to take her upstairs. Once I ended the call I gently take my wife upstairs and let her get comfy as my mother arrives. "Hi guys. How is she?" My mother asks me as I open the door. "She's fine so far. She's upstairs at the moment if you wanna go see her." I say. "Alright." She says nodding and head upstairs to my wife. I let her and get my wife some water then head upstairs to see her. Once I was upstairs I walk into our room and see my mother rubbing my wives back as my wife sits on the floor. "How are you doing here love? How the contractions?" I ask setting the water down and then kneel next to her. "I'm fine. Just in pain. The contractions are not bad just feeling slight pressure on my lower back." She says looking at me. I nod and kiss her head softly as I get a text from her doctor say she is here. "Ooooo." My wife mutters grabbing my mothers hands and breaths deeply as I go and let her doctor in. I come back in with her doctor and a nurse then kneel next to my wife. "Hi Hadaza. I just want to hear how the baby's heart rate is." Her doctor said checking her out. My wife just nods and holds my hand and lay her head on my shoulder. I hold her and kiss her head gently and rub her back. "Alright baby's heart rate is good. Now I want to get these contractions to pick up a bit. Your only a centimeters dilated. So lets stand you up and have you walk around a bit." Her doctor says looking at her. My wife nods and stands up with help from my mother and I. I take over once she was on her feet and help her walk around a bit hoping this will get the baby moving.

An hour after Hadaza started moving the contractions started to pick causing my wife to wince in pain and hold onto me. More time goes by and they become worse causing her grip to tighten on me. I let her and hold her waist gently rubbing her back and moving her hips slightly as she cries in pain. "Shhh just breath love. You are okay." I say holding her and rock her back and fourth gently. She just cries and shakes her head in pain tightening her grip on my shirt. "Would sitting in a warm bath help you?" My mother asks rubbing her back. "N-no. Oww god." She whines holding onto me tightly and looks down breathing. "Sitting in the water might actually help you. Your nine centimeters dilated and are so close to pushing." Her doctor says. "She's right love." I say looking at her and move her hair out of her face. She looks at me in pain and nods caving in. "I'll go start the water." My mother says going into the bathroom and starts the water. "Come on love. Take it easy." I say walking her to the bathroom but stop when she feels a contractions. "Breath through it. Breath." I say supporting her and watch her lean over and breath deeply. My wife holds onto me and breaths deeply and cries leaning over. "Your good. Your fantastic. Breath. Contraction is almost done." I say watching her features relax. "Okay lets go before another one comes and they will be coming soon." She says holding me and looks at me in pain and exhaustion. I scoop her up gently and carrying her into the bathroom. She holds me and winces in pain and cries. "It hurts so much James." She says crying. "I know baby." I say setting her on her feet and take her pants off and then help her into the tub. My wife sits down and grabs my hand and groans looking down feeling a contraction. "Owwwww. God!!!" My wife screams in pain and places her head down. I kneel next to her and and rub her back as my wives doctor checks her. "Alright honey you are ready to start pushing. Lets get you situated." She says helping her situate her body. My wife lets her and holds onto me and cries screaming in pain feeling a contractions. "Look at me love." I say gently tilting her face to me. She looks at me and groans in pain. "Breath love." I say stroking her cheek. She looks and me and breath gripping my hands and cries. "Alright next contraction Hadaza push." Her doctor says. My wife holds my hands tightly and cries feeling a contraction and starts to push. I hold her hands and talk her through the pain and kiss her. "You are doing good honey. You got this." I say as she catches her breath. "I forgot how much this hurt." She says wincing and pushes again tightening her grip on my hands. I let her and continue to talk her through the process.

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