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Third POV
Hoseok got dressed with the help of Jin . The accident really messed up Hoseoks head space so sometimes he have problems doing things . He walked out of the room going downstairs and saw everyone waiting . He grabbed his shoes and slipped them on heading out the door with everyone else . Hoseok sat in the back in between jimin and taehyung. The drive wasn't long they arrived at the fair in 16 minutes.

Hoseok smiled happily when he saw all the big stuffed animals at the game booths . Oh he's definitely gonna get one he said to him self and was about to run and grab jins and Namjoons hand but Jungkook and taehyung grabbed his . "Aww no fair why do you always want to go with Jin and namjoon?" Jungkook fake whined and Hoseok giggled and looked around .

After many failed attempts of Hoseok trying to get out of jungkooks grip to go get some stuffies and ride the rides Jin finally came over and grabbed Hoseok . "Kook you and tae go ahead I'll take Hoseok with me and joon since we won't be riding a lot of rides mostly walking around ." Jin said and smiled and jungkook nodded and walked off .

Hoseok smiled and walked happily with Jin . "Jinnie I want stuffie , the big stuffie unicorn ." Hoseok said and smiled as he pointed at the stuffie . But Jin didn't pay attention and ordered a bowl of nachos . "Seok come on let's sit first ." Jin said and Hoseok pouted and looked around until he spotted Yoongi and jimin . "Look minie and yoons , can I go with them pwease." Hoseok said and Jin sighed and nodded .

"Go ahead ." Jin said and Hoseok jumped up and happily ran over to the others but got pushed out of the distance when a crowd of teenagers rushed passed him . He slowly got up off the ground rubbing his butt . He looked but didn't see yoongi and jimin anymore . He walked around until he saw the big unicorn he wanted .

"I wan unicorn ." He said to himself until he heard a deep familiar voice behind him . "I can get you one ." The voice said and Hoseok immediately turned around . He yelped in surprise and jumped on the man . "JUN-WU !!" Hoseok squealed and jun-wu put Hoseok down and pecked his forehead. "Yes it's me baby , now come on let's get you that unicorn ." Jun-wu said and Hoseok blushed at the new nickname.

"Okie let's go ." Hoseok said and jun-wu nodded . "So how do we win this ." Jun-wu asked the man at the booth . "You have to get 3 rings on this bottle ." The man said and jun-wu nodded . After 6 tries and $30 later hoseok got his unicorn . "Thank you so much ." Hoseok said and pecked jun-wus cheek . Jun-wu chuckled and blushed . They happily walked around getting on a couple of rides and so on until it got dark out .

Jun-wu could tell Hoseok was getting sleepy and was passed his normal bed time . "Come in Seok let's go find the others ." Jun-wu said and Hoseok nodded sleepily . They walked around looking for the others until jun-wu finally spotted them with security . "Oh my god HOSEOK ." Jin said and everyone sighed in relief as Hoseok walked over to Namjoon and put his face into his chest . "Where did you go Hoseok I thought you were going with jimin and yoongi ." Jin said and grabbed Hoseok .

"I saw him standing at a booth looking at the unicorn that he wanted so I won it for him and took him with me ." Jun-wu said and Jin nodded and thanked him . The members were about to leave and go home but Hoseok stopped them and ran over to jun-wu hugging him and Jun-wu kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair . "Good night seokie , I love you ." He whispered the last part and Hoseok smiled and kissed his cheek . "I love you too." Hoseok said and went back with the others .

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