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Third POV

Warning : abuse /rape

The concert was over sadly . Hoseok stood in his dressing room . Taking off his tight Jeans , jacket and shirt hopping inside the shower that was in one of the locker rooms . Sighing in relief when his body could finally breathe . "Oh thank goodness." He whispered feeling the cold breeze blow across his body after getting out .

He smiled sitting down on one of the chairs inside the room . He finally stood up after a couple of minutes and started to get dressed until he heard a voice from the other side of the room . "You look beautiful." He froze at that voice , he knows it all too well . Scared to move or turn around he tensed and closed his eyes .

"What's wrong ? Don't you miss me ?" Ok he knew this wasn't his imagination . "Answer me ." He was gripped by his hair and turnt around . "I-I don't know you ." He said quietly . (That was a lie, he didn't forget any of the horrible things that happened to him , not even the things his members did to him .. it was all an act - a new start for things to change .)

"Oh really ? Well I'm not surprised , you probably can't remember the face of any guy you've fucked because there's to many ." The other said making a tear slip past hoseoks cheek . "What.. what do you want from me ?" He asked quietly but to his pity the other just laughed .

"It's not what I want from you , it's what I need and that's you ." He said making Hoseok back up towards the wall as he got closer and closed towards the smaller . "Saekhun ple-." He was cut off by a harsh slap . "Please what ?" Saekhun said through gritted teeth . "Please don't do this please ." Hoseok begged but to his advantage he had no help , no savior , just no one .

More tears cascaded down his cheeks as the other turned him around and bent him over the desk . Hoseok tried to escape but his body became weak and numb . He let his head drop against the table in the room as he felt the other slide into his unprepared hole raw . Screaming as he felt pain shoot through his lower half all the way up his back .

After pleading and begging he felt something spill inside of him and the other pull out . He let his body fall limp on the floor , seeing as a little bit of blood was on display . "I'm gonna enjoy watching this , I'm sure the others will too ." Hoseok looked up in terror as he saw a phone in the others hand . He sobbed more as he tried to move his body but couldn't .

"Well you might wanna hurry home , and clean yourself up you look horrible ." Hoseok clenched his eyes shut . Limping around the room collecting his clothes as he slowly put them on one by one . After finishing he walked out with a pair of black sweatpants and a large hoody . Limping back home since the others took the cars .

'This is the 4th and last time this will ever happen' he said to himself . It doesn't matter how weak he was or looked he just won't let it happen again . But will he really , that's the same thing he's said the other three times . He may just end it all tonight , all his pain , sadness , and tortures of life .

Just had to write a quick chapter ; kind of in a sad mood so idk I'm probably gonna make this story sad again or something.

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