hell naw brah a/n

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Chica:lets stuff lily in a wolf suit




Foxy:because i love her

Me:hellnaw brah*runs


Slayer:wat da hell wrong with her

Raseberry:she doesn't

want to be like me i guess

Foxy:swigaty swooty i comen for that booty *chases meh*

Me:hell naw fox *slaps foxy*

Foxy: ;[

Daniel and ari:wat de hell

Foxy:swiggty swooty im comen for that botty*chases meh again*

Meh:hell naw brah*covers meh breast*

Foxy:come on land lubber

Meh:hell naw im way to pretty to get stuffed in a wolf

Foxy:come on land lubber

Meh:*hids behind ari*ari i need fucken help with the fucken fox

Foxy:come on lassie

Ari:*slaps foxy*

Foxy:*runs away*

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