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Keefe and I walked slowly to physics chatting and Keefe tried to make a bet. He said that Biana and Dex were most likely to get detention because of talking back, not paying attention or (in Dex's case) technology in class. It would be too easy for him to win, so, obviously I declined. And now we were sitting in the back of a plain room with beige walls and steel tables cluttered with random things for past experiments. The chalkboard itself was a mess of white smudges and equations drawn over it. And of course, scrawled in chalk with the teachers messy cursive was the most rudimentary question ever.

Are the laws of physics the same everywhere?
No, 'physics' is technically incorrect. Not that that would ever be spoken out loud to anyone except the elves.

The professer knew of our high IQ's and educational prowess so, we were not chosen to answer questions. Simple as that. Though that probably doesn't seem simple to the other students. They thought the teacher was playing favorites because we were smart. As if.


The walk to our house (more of a mansion in human standards) was peaceful and nice. Keefe was joking around and fits and Biana and Dex were talking as well. Keefe at some point slowed our pace and looped his arm through mind skipping down the street. Honest to god skipping. I laughed at him and he laughed too knowing it was purely for laughs. Oh how Keefe made me feel free, at ease. I really, really like him- wait. Nope! NOPE! Not now, not on a mission! Feelings are for later, for now we focus on fighting, getting stronger, staying under the radar. Just like Forkle said. Just like he said...



Or was it?

Ugh! I hate my dumb teenage thoughts!

I need to grow up!

Not focus on stupid things!

'Are they really stupid?' the voice in the back of my head asked.

I didn't have the answer.

I don't know the answer.

I'm not sure I ever will.

I sighed.

I did it again.

'Pull yourself together!' that voice said, well yelled, again.

It was right.

Now was absolutely not the time to be overthinking!

I took a deep breath and let Keefe guide me.

Okay. I'm okay. Everything is okay.

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