☕📖 Part 6 📖☕

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(This chapter is going to be
longer than normal, but that's just me not being able to keep a story short)


Just like any other Sunday, it was laundry day.

My apartment complex has it's own laundry room for anyone to use on the first floor. Every Sunday night, I gather up the dirty clothes on my floor, grab my computer, and go down stairs.

Normally, my laundry takes about an hour or 45 minutes to finish all the way through, so I use that waiting time to finish up some assignments I'd been working on.

Doing my laundry late, late at night allows me to sit in the laundry room without anyone else there, because everyone else is sleeping. And with the laundry room being away from the apartments, I don't disturb anyone with being up so late.

Now with my being serenaded every night, I normally try to finish most of my work before I go down stairs. That way, when I close my computer, the music will stop, and I can leave my apartment knowing a stranger from upstairs isn't worrying if I'm asleep or not.

Having done this step already, I gathered my computer and dollar-store hamper and start the trek down 4 flights of stairs.

This week hadn't been terrible for some reason. The store had hired some new employees, which made my job easier and made me able to stay home all day today. School is about to end for the year, so the assignments and study times are slowing down. And some how, I had come to terms with the fact that I might never know who the mystery guitarist is.

I've left notes on their door thanking them for their music, albeit with no response, but I can't do very much else.

Even if I never find out who they are, at least I can leave knowing I thanked them. I might also leave them some brownies or a cake or something eventually.

After stumbling down the final flight of stairs, I level off and walk into the laundry room.

As usual, no one is here. Perfect.

It doesn't take me much time to load my clothes in, along with some white sheets and a bed comforter I've needed to wash.

After I set the washing machine going, I slip down the side of the washing machines in the middle of the room and open my computer.

After I set the washing machine going, I slip down the side of the washing machines in the middle of the room and open my computer

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(Please don't pay attention to how terrible this looks, but this is what the room layout is like. The red dot is were Y/N is sitting and the rectangles are the washing machines)

After about 10 minutes of waiting, I head the door open and someone walk in.

It's 11pm on a Sunday night, who else is coming to do their laundry right now?

Sleep like a winter bear ~Kim Taehyung × Reader~Where stories live. Discover now