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"Puss who's this? " Humpty said as he turned to him, Kitty doing the same. "This is Y/n L/n! " Y/n smirked, " Surprised you even remembered. " Y/n said, taking a hand out towards Humpty and Kitty, " I'm Y/n, nice to meet you. " She said with a nice smile. "Kitty." Said Kitty, shaking Y/n's paw. " I'm Humpty, Humpty Alexander Dumpty! " He said proudly as he shook her hand.

Y/n nodded, pulling away and standing next to Puss. " Hermosa here is coming with us! " Puss said as a he clapped a little bit. Humpty and Kitty's eyes widened. " What do you mean!? You told her about the beans! " Humpty said in panic. Y/n rolled her eyes, " I was there. " Humpty's eyes widened more. " Well que estamos esperando!? Let's go get some magical beans! " Y/n said as she jumped into the carriage Puss smirked, " I like her, seems to never back down. " He said chuckling as he jumped in too.

Time skip

Kitty and Puss stood at the top of the rock, hiding and waiting for Jack and Jill's carriage come by. Humpty turned towards Y/n, " Tell me something Y/n....how much to do know? " Y/n smirked, " More than you think. " She said as she turned away.

She watched as Kitty jumped down. "Now! " Humpty said and Puss ran and jumped, hitting Kitty as he tried to land. They fought a little before Kitty opened the cart and went in to grab the beans.

"Why aren't you using your claws! " " Because I don't have any! " Puss let go of her and they both dropped down. Puss quickly opened the cage around Jack's hand. Kitty stopped him and held up her paw, " Softpaws. " She said before sticking her paw into the hand and pulling out the beans. "Alright let's go. " Puss took a step and stepped on a pigs tail, making it squeal. "Well look at what we have here, you stepped on my babies! " Jill said angrily.

"What is taking them so long! " Y/n said as she continued to watch the carriage move. Soon the signal came, "Yes! " Humpty said as he ordered the horses to start to move. Y/n help on tight to the top of the carriage as she continued to watch Puss and Kitty. "Ready? " "Set... GOO! " Kitty jumped to the carriage next to Humpty, Y/n continued to wait for Puss. Puss got hit by Jill, making stumble and drop the beans. "Puss the beans! " Y/n called out. Puss sat up and looked to see the beans scattered and them heading into a dark cave. He went and catched one which made him land in front of Jill who growled at him. "Ahhh!! " Puss continued to grab the beans as Jill tried to bite of the ropes on her face. Puss turned to see Jill missing. He gasped. "Puss! Behind you! " Y/n yelled. Puss quickly turned and saw Jill about to wack him. He quickly dodged and gasped when he saw the last bean bounce under Jill. She went to whack him again, but he slid under her, making Jill whack Jack.

Puss grabbed the bean, but almost slid off the carriage. Jill grabbed him and laughed. " Give me them beans!" She laughed again. "Is it true that cats always land on their feet? " "NO! THAT'S JUST A RUMOR SPREAD BY DOGS! " Puss said in panic. "Well let's find out. " Humpty made the horses hurry up and bump into the carriage, making Puss fly out of her hands and into the edge. Y/n quickly catches him, " Hey, how's it hanging? " She said with a smirk. Puss rolled him eyes, " Horrible. " Y/n laughed and pulled him up. Suddenly a gunshot was heard spooking all of them.

"You think this is over!? " Jill hit the side of the carriage, making more guns come out. The guns started to fire, " Can this go any faster!? " Y/n yelled out as the bullets soon started to hit a standing rock. Jill and Humpty's carriages bumped into each other as they avoid the falling rock. "Now! " Jill's carriage hits Humpty's, making almost fall off the edge. "Woah!! " Y/n said as she almost fell out. "Gotcha senorita! " Puss said as he grabbed Y/n and pulled her up. "We just got to make it to that bridge! " Humpty said to them. "Hang on! " Puss looked over at him, " Humpty! There is no bridge! " "Trust me. " Humpty said determined as they continued to head to the broken bridge.

Jill and Jack stop their carriage. "Humpty! " Kitty and Y/n yell in panic. Humpty continued to look more determined. Y/n tightly grabbed onto Puss's fur, making him smirk before going back to panic when they went off the edge of the bridge. They all screamed, Jack and Jill gasped. "WE'RE GOING TO DIE!! " Yelled Puss as gripped Humpty and Y/n, Kitty gripping Humpty on the other side. Humpty smirked as he pulled a lever, pulling the horse into the carriage and making a set of wings come out from the carriage. Humpty pulled two levers making them fly up at the last second.

"I hate cats. " Jack said, still tied up.

Time skip.

"That is a strange cloud. " Y/n said looking at the sky. They all looked up and saw the same thing. "Quick! Quick come on! " They headed deeper, " Stop! " Humpty turned and threw his pen. "Right there! " Kitty and Puss start to dig, we all gather around to see Puss place the beans. "Ahh! Not to hard! There magic beans!! " Humpty said. Puss sighed and Y/n rolled her eyes. "Separate them... Good. Now let the magic happen. " Humpty said as he covered the beans. "Step back, step back. " Everyone moved back and watched as the cloud starts to come down onto where the beans were.

Suddenly it all vanished and a small sprout, sprouted out of the ground. "What? " Y/n rolled her eyes. "Well Humpty, speak to it. " She said crossing her arms. "What? Why me-- fine. " Humpty knelt down and looked at the sprout. "Hi little plant. " Suddenly the sprout jumped out of the ground and everyone started screaming as the beanstalk started to climb up higher and higher into the clouds. Humpty got wrapped by vines, Kitty fell on a leaf, Y/n fell onto another leaf, and Puss almost fell down, but landed on another leaf. The leafs started to twirl. Y/n and Puss were pressed together. Puss wiggled his brows, making Y/n roll her eyes and laughed a little before shoving Puss's hat into his face. There leafs separated and Puss landed next to Humpty and Kitty. Puss and Kitty helped Humpty out from the vines that had wrapped around him. Soon they reached the very top. "Look! The giants castle! " Said Kitty in a very squeaky voice.

Lol ima leave it there, I hope you enjoyed! Bye have a great day!

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