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Shadow: Alright in this multiverse, the apocalypse had started 3 years ago and Izuku and middle school best friend are surviving together.

Kirishima: What kind of apocalypse?

Shadow: The alive but dead kind

Kaminari: Woo! I'm gonna love this one.

Jirou: Alive but dead? What does that mean?

Kaminari: *Looks at everyone, who have confused faces except for Izuku* Wait, is Midobro the only one who understands? *Everyone else shakes their head* Aha! I actually know something that no one else knows!

Sero: Just tell us

Kaminari: It's simple, zombies

Everyone: ....

Iida: Kaminari, their is no such thi-

Shadow: Actually Kaminari is correct

Kaminari: Ha, told you

Shadow: I'm also going to be taking Eri, Kota, Mahoro, and Katsuma

Kids: Awwww, I don't wanna

Shadow: Don't worry I'm gonna take you to a room where you can watch Deku

Kids: Yay Mr. Deku!!

Nearly everyone was in awe at the sight

Shadow: Alright let's start

Two figures can be seen walking down a road, with half dead trees on the side. As the figures get closer, it made it easier to identify who they were. It was none other than Izuku and Kaminari. Izuku was wearing a black shirt with a blue flannel hoodie that had a black hood, black ripped jeans, combat boots, a black face mask, and black military knee and elbow pads. He also had a black katana attached to the side of his hip, a suppressed pistol, throwing knife holsters on the outside of each leg with three knives each, and a bow and quiver full of arrows. Kaminari was wearing a dark grey shirt with a black denim jacket, grey ripped jeans, combat boots, and black military knee and elbow pads. He also had a white katana attached to the side of his hip, a suppressed assault rifle with a strapped that goes around his neck (Like how some people carry a suitcase with a strap), and throwing knife holsters on the outside of each leg with three knives each.

Kaminari: We look badass, Midoriya

Izuku: Hell, yea we do

Nezu: They look older there

All Might: Yes, they do

As Izuku and Kaminari continue to walk, voice over starts to play and it's none other then Izuku. "My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this blonde idiot is my middle school bestfriend, Denki Kaminari. We are both 18 years old and it's been about 2 and a half years since "The Fall" or that's what everyone calls it at least. Everyone calls it "The Fall", since that's when everything fell: The city, government, and especially the people. A few months after the fall we lost our parents to them, "The Fallen", well that's what survivors call them anyways. Ever since then it's been me and Denki surviving on our own. The last time we saw people was about 5 months ago at a survivor military camp, their camps the military set up to protect survivors, but were pretty sure that place is destroyed, a little less of half the camps we come across are empty and destroyed.

Tsuyu: That's a lot to taken in *kero*

Kirishima: That's very manly, despite everything they have each other's back

Jirou: Looks like your still an idiot

Kaminari: Correction. A badass idiot

Nezu: I'm curious as to how everything fell

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