you like her and she definitely likes you

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2 weeks later..

I don't know what I was thinking when I agreed to this. I've been receiving a crap ton of homework and I've been staying up until 2am every night trying to finish it all. I guess that's the life of a normal high school student.

Not to mention that the video taken of me at Costco has been spreading like wildfire and ended up getting almost 10 million views within 24 hours of it being posted. It was even trending #1 on YouTube and went viral on Tik Tok. Everyone at school has been ecstatic about the confirmation that I'm actually here in Nashville.

Lauren and I have also been getting a lot closer and if there's anything I've learned about her, it's that she's pretty much Y/N's biggest fan. Well.. my biggest fan.

I really didn't think that my disguise would actually work but hey, if Hannah Montana could just throw on a wig to disguise herself, then who says large sunglasses can't work just as well? You literally can't see my eyes at all.


It's Friday and I'm currently in my first period which I share with Lauren.

"Okay guys so this project is due in two weeks and whoever is sitting next to you will be your partner. You'll only have time outside of class to work on this so get started as soon as possible" our teacher says

Well that's great.. one of these days Lauren is going to find out who I really am and this project will only make the chances of that happening much more likely.

I turn to look at Lauren and she's already staring at me.

"Soo.. is it okay if we work on this project at your place?" I smile hoping she doesn't question it. All my fans know what Nicole looks like and who she is so there's no way I'm having Lauren over.

"M-My place? Uh.. sure, of course." She smiles. She's so cute. Wait no, I'm not supposed to catch feelings.

"Jordan? Are you okay?" Lauren waves her hand in front of my face bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Just started thinking on what days we could meet up." I brushed it off

"Hmm.. how about Tuesday and Thursday at 5pm?" She suggests

"Sure, that sounds good to me."

Throughout the whole period I felt Lauren take little glances at me. I know she's intrigued by what's behind my sunglasses but she hasn't brought the topic up again.

Sometimes I just want to tell her the truth but I told Nicole about it and she almost had a heart attack. She said that doing that would be too risky.

after school..

My last period just ended and my brain feels fried. I probably retained 5% of information from each of my classes.

I decided to take a different path to the parking lot when I come across the music room. I haven't checked it out yet so I walk in. After seeing the room empty, I walk towards all the guitars.

I can play acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, piano, and drums but my favorite instrument to play is electric guitar.

I grab a white electric guitar just because I have one just like that. I put my backpack down and plug it into an amp.

I try to tune the electric guitar to the best of my ability and start testing it out.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I start to play Sk8er Boi by Avril Lavigne. There is an amazing electric guitar on the track. These walls are sound proof so I don't have to worry about all the noise.

Hiding from the Spotlight (Lauren Cimorelli/Y/N) Where stories live. Discover now