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Mexican Dream make my brain go brrrr

Just thought I should continue the flour theme, since this is a continuation of the last chapter.

This is the dragon for one of my other friends :)

This is the dragon for one of my other friends :)

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Rosey: Hates it

Friend: Loves it

Reason for the snake: Needed more contrasting colours

Head: Floofy

Did Rosey know what the symbol for leo was: No

Did Rosey google it: Yes

Is Rosey embarrassed by that fact: Just a little bit

Is this getting long and likely very annoying: Yes

Is this time consuming and boring: Kinda

Is Rosey going to stop: Definitely not

Uh, dragon scales: Annoyingly pink

Currently: Dying inside

What I had for luch: Don't actually remember, but probably a sandwich

My dog: Not here with me right now

Does Rosey have way more important things to do right now: Always

Is she going to do them: Not right now

Is she going to get into trouble for it: Most probably

Is she still going to continue doing this anyway: You bet

Did I fail my math quiz today: I dunno yet but I think so

Did I have a really important project due yesterday that I barely started: Y E S

Did I have an even more important project due last week that I haven't started at all: You know it

Am I going to do either of those things: You know the answer to that already

This: isn't that long but it feels that way when you're the one writing it

I: Should probably end this now

I am: Not going to

You: Probably haven't read all of these, have you

If you did: You're really cool pal B)

If you didn't: I didn't expect you to

I'm: So fucking done with this, actually

Bye: -Rosey <3

Ring Around the Rosey: Artbook #2Where stories live. Discover now