{Chapter 6}

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Noah's POV
I'm so happy I have Eve, I don't know what I'd do without her. She's so sweet. I wasn't looking to get attached to anyone anytime soon, but Eve changed that. I figured she would be like all the other girls and be all over me so that would make it easier to ignore that she's the prettiest girl I've seen in a while. But she wasn't all over me. That made me fascinated. And the more that I learned about her, the more that I became fixed on her. And I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. Any other guy probably would've left as soon as she locked him out. But I always have girls on me and the fact that she didn't seem intrested made me really intrested. And I have no idea why should would ever date me. But she is, and I'm so very glad that she is.

I'm counting down the second until the bell rings to let out my last period of the day and until I see Eve. As soon as the bell ringers, I hop up and go to our meeting place. I'm usually there first because her teacher keeps them a little longer than ours does seeing as how I just have study hall the last period of the day. Once I've spotted Eve, I notice that she saw me before I noticed her. She seems upset as well.

"What's wrong baby girl?" She gives me a weak smile and sighs.

"Nothing." I know there must be something. She usually doesn't act like this unless she's around everyone else. But around me? No.

"There is something wrong baby girl. I know you and you don't act like this near me." She gives me another weak smile.

"Okay. My mom's in the hospital. Then while I was in class, I got a text. I wasn't sure who it was so when I asked, he said he was my dad." My eyes go wide and I shake my head in disbelief.

"Seriously?" She looks at me with sad eyes. I look back at her with a pained look. I hate to her see hurting.

"Yeah. It's okay though. I was just wondering, if it's okay if I stay with you guys?" I looked at her with that look. The one that says you know you don't even have to ask.

When we get to my house, Eve goes straight to my bedroom, which is expected, she hurting. I see my mom in the kitchen and go to talk to her.

"Why isn't Eve at home sweetheart?" I look at her sadly and she gives me a worried look.

"Her mom's in the hospital. And her dad texted her." That told her everything. She nods her head once and gives me a serious look.

"Well you tell her that she is ALWAYS welcome and that she can stay as long as she wants." I give her a weak half smile and nod.

When I get to my bedroom I see Eve sitting in the middle of the bed, with her knees to her chest, and her head on her knees. I also notice that she's crying. I go over to the bed and bring her close to my chest. She un-balls herself and hugs into me. She continues to cry and I hold her as close as I can. I want to protect her and keep her safe. I don't want her to hurt. She doesn't deserve this. She's a kind a beautiful person. And I'm not just saying that because she's my girlfriend.

"What if she's not okay Noah?" She continues to cry and presses her head into my chest.

"Oh Eve. She's going to be fine. I know that for a fact. She's strong. Just like you." She gives me a weak laugh and sniffles.

"Thanks baby." I smile at her calling me baby and stroke her hair calmingly.

We cuddle until she falls asleep and later on I fall asleep along with her. In the morning I wake up and see that she's still asleep. I sit in bed for a while and just watch YouTube on my phone. Around an hour later, she wakes up.

"Good morning baby girl." She smiles really wide at me.

"Good morning baby." I smile back at her.

"I could get used to seeing your face everyday when I wake up you know." She turns red and bites her lip. I bite my lip back at her and she rolls her eyes at me. I, of course, laugh and tickle her.

She starts squirming and laughing. I laugh along with her and my mom comes in.

"And just what do you two think you're doing?" She gives us a prissy look and puts one hand on her hip.

"Oh my gosh Mom! We're both still virgins!" I give her a fake hurt look to show her that her trust in me sucks.

"Yeah Frankie. We're just having a tickle fight." Mom smiles and chuckles a little bit.

"I remember when me and your father used to be this young and playful. Of course we still have tickle fights but not like this. I think you two are perfect for each other." Eve turns red and gives Mom a huge smile.

"Yeah. He's my baby." She talks to me in a baby tone and I feel my whole face heat up.

Of course my mom laughs and shakes her head playfully.

"Okay. You two have fun." She walk off and I glare at Eve. She gives me a huge smile like she has no idea why I'm angry at her and I give her a knowing look.

I pull her down on top of me and she giggle. We lay there for a second before she picks her head up to kiss me. After a few seconds I sit us up and she sits on my lap. I bring one hand to tangle in her hair and use the other to keep us proped up. She brings both of her hands to my chest and smiles into the kiss. Eve breaks the kiss first and I give her puppy eyes. She smiles at me and kisses my forehead. I smile back at her with a half smile. But not the kind of cocky half smiles I used to give her.

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