Teacher's Pet: Chapter Four

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The rest of the week dragged on slowly, but passed without much incident. He spent the last couple of days talking through power points and lesson plans, as he drilled the parts of the brain into the brains of his students, and administered a quiz at the end of the week.

But mainly, the week dragged by, because he didn’t get any further in the mysterious case of Harry Styles. In fact, he was at more of a dead end now then ever. Because following the day Louis almost hit him with his car, Harry seemed to go out of his way to prove that he was normal.

He answered all of the journal prompts with uninteresting, plain, simple responses, varying from a pet cat he had, to the homework load he’d received, but nothing as shocking or as interesting as the “I’m Gay” Louis had first been graced with.

As Louis watched Harry walk out of his classroom, after turning in a quiz with only half the questioned answered, laughing and shoving Niall playfully as he joined the masses in the hallway, Louis had to fight down his frustration and anger.

It didn’t make any sense, and Louis didn’t like that one bit.

He decided to return home that weekend, mainly because Zayn had stated his wish to bring a girl back to the flat for the weekend, and Louis didn’t want to cockblock his friend too much in the infancy of their relationship. But also because he needed a break from Harry, who would no doubt be working downstairs all weekend.

So instead he made the trip home, his mother almost crying of joy over the phone when he informed her on Friday afternoon, after packing an overnight bag.

Louis spent the majority of the trip trying to focus on the road in front of him, and not let his mind wander to the curious case of Harry Styles. This extra effort on his part made the drive drag by, and when he finally reached his familiar childhood home, he was absolutely shattered, the only thing keeping him going being the prospect of his mother’s cooking and the comfort of his old bedroom.

However, a peaceful visit home wasn’t in the cards for Louis, that was evident the second he opened up the door.

“Louis!” a bundle of energy catapulted itself into his arms the second he opened the door and he stumbled under the added weight, his back slamming against the wall. Before he had time to recover an identical force threw themselves at him, and Louis was left leaning against the wall, his youngest sisters clinging to him.

“Hello to you too,” Louis greeted, kissing Phoebe and Daisy’s foreheads as he untangled them and placed them on the ground. Phoebe took away immediately, her attention drawn to something more interesting now that she’d greeted him, but Daisy lingered, biting her little lip and looking up. “Something wrong Daisy?”

She nodded and motioned for him to lean in, until Louis was crouched to her level, and she covered her hands over his ear she whispered her secret, “Mummy and Lottie are fighting a lot,” she whispered, before she backed away from Louis and ran off to joined Phoebe in the living room, where Louis could faintly make out the noise of Spongebob.

Louis sighed tiredly, running a hand over his face, as he turned the corner to walk into the kitchen, where he could hear his mother banging around on dishes. She stood at the stove, stirring a pot of noodles.

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