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(The next day)

All throughout the day you couldn't stop thinking about your date with Korekiyo. Well, I mean it wasn't REALLY a date but whenever you thought about it that way it made you happier.

The end of the day bell rang and you picked up your stuff to head out. You and Korekiyo walked hand in hand down the street until you reached the bakery.

You took him inside and gazed around at all the lovely treats, they all looked so good that you couldn't decide which to get. After some long hard thinking you went with a nice chocolate cupcake and Korekiyo went with a red velvet one.

"I told you I'd pay!" You said pouting.
"Yes but I want to treat for being so nice to me. Most people think I'm a creep and don't want to talk to me judged off my opinion" You felt a bit sad when you said that so to change the subject you grabbed his hand and walked him to park nearby. You both sat on a bench taking out your cupcakes.

Korekiyo broke small bits off his but you went straight in. "Oh my god...this is SO GOOD!!" You said with a mouthful of cake. "Kehehehe I see your enjoying it"  You quickly wiped the corners of your mouth but didn't realise you still had some cream on your cheek. "Hehe you have a little bit off..." He quickly wiped off the cream on your cheek and you started to blush. "You also have something right....." He bent his head down to you and kissed you, it was so passionate so comforting so....right. "W-what.." you couldn't believe what just happened-
"Oh I'm sorry did you not want me to..oh god I'm so sorry. I just-" "It's ok I um..I really wanted you to" you said looking away so he couldn't see how hard you were blushing. "Kehehehe you're so cute y/n" He kisses you gently on the cheek then pulls his mask back up.

"I should uh head to mine" you were still in shock about what happened but it felt amazing. This time you gripped his hand first and gave him a smile. He walked you all the way back to your house up to your gate. You gave him one long hug again and he kissed your forehead. You walked inside waving behind you. "How was your day?" Your mum asked with a smile. "Magical" You said. You felt so happy.

You ran upstairs and did some homework and then watched TV.

You always felt so comfortable around kiyo and always felt so happy. You couldn't help but wonder if you maybe had feelings for him...

I'm so sorry for making this shorter than the rest and for not updating everyday. I've been super busy with school :( Please leave me tips on how to improve and correct any of my spelling!! Thanks! I will be writing more soon so check it out :)

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